Syed Mustafa Ahmad

Hajibagh, HMT

Not a single day passes without your talk!
Because you had learnt that life is not to stop but always to walk.
You nourished this orchard of Jammu and Kashmir in different ways;
And you were concerned about the caring of the orchard particularly a minute stalk.
Every language was your concern and you tried your best to gain a profound hold over it;
Because you knew that communication is a multi-way traffic ,going to hit.
Your ingenuity was so common that we look out for words;
And the duplicate things were always in your vision, bound to sit.
You were a world class traveler, travelling in search of humanity;
Because it provided you a lot of evidence about the different forms of criminality.
Your presence in any part of the world was felt in Jammu and Kashmir;
Because it is a fact that one who has a human heart, tries always to heal the wounds of the humanity and bring originality.
Your single person had many personalities hidden in you!
Because you had an encyclopaedia if the words were few.
Your personality was visible in every part of Jammu and Kashmir through your presence of mind;
And you were ready to mitigate the suffering and the wounds were to sew.
SANGARMAL, a Kashmiri newspaper is a visible sign of the pain for the mother tongue;
Because you knew that the natives of Jammu and Kashmir are so taken away by the other cultures that their own songs are left unsung.


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