SRINAGAR: Authorities in Budgam have announced traffic diversions in preparation for the upcoming Muharram-ul-Haram procession scheduled to be held on 6th Muharram 2023, corresponding to July 25th, 2023 (Tuesday). The procession is planned to proceed from Zoorigund to Imam Bargah Budgam, and the diversions have been put in place to ensure the convenience and safety of both the general public and the mourners participating in the event.

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Vehicles coming from Budgam and heading towards Ichgam will be diverted at Choon crossing, and they will be required to follow an alternative route via Razwen Choon. Another diversion option is available, where traffic can take the Wadipora-Zoorigund route.

For vehicles traveling from Ichgam towards Budgam, the diversion will be in place at Thokerpora crossing, and they will be directed to follow the route via Choon Razwen. Once the procession reaches Zoorigund, the traffic will be redirected via the Zoorigund – Wadipora Road. Additionally, Srinagar-bound vehicles from Ichgam-Raithan can opt for the Ichgam-Panzan-Chadoora-Wathora-Kralpora-Chanapora route and vice versa.

Authorities have issued this advisory to the public, urging them to comply with the traffic diversions in order to avoid potential congestion in the area during the religious procession. The procession is expected to attract a large number of participants and spectators, making it necessary to implement these traffic measures to maintain order and safety.

Police officials in Budgam have also provided contact information for any required assistance during this time. Individuals can reach out to the Police Control Room (PCR) Budgam at the following telephone numbers: 01951255027, 01951255207, and 8082567612. Alternatively, they can contact the Station House Officer (SHO) Budgam at 9419000538.


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