Sunday, May 5, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Quarantine Hotels

Without tourists since August 5, 2019, Kashmir hoteliers opened doors to shelter the Covid-19 suspects for mandatory quarantine. Initially, most of them were unhappy...

Treating Virtually

With most of the state-run healthcare preoccupied with the Covid-19 and the virus scare preventing people from visiting doctors, a small section of the...

OBE Is The Alternative

by Nazir Ahmad Gilkar and Iqra Majeed Shah Kashmir personifies a systemic, normalised clampdown. The shutdowns are usually a 100 to 200 days affair in a year. These...

What We Must Do If And When The Lockdown is Eased?

by Dr Suhail Naik By stating "we have to live with the virus” does not mean the World Health Organization (WHO) has opened any diplomatic...

How The Pandemic Is Impacting The Nurses Psychologically?

by Joziea Farooq ‘Absorbing grief in Nursing is nothing new, but the degree to which it’s occurring now is staggering.’ The nursing profession is a stressful one...

Crucial Service

With a lot of enterprises emerging on social media and the lockdown preventing consumers from moving around too much, Kashmir threw up space for...

Why Quarantine And Lockdown Is Dangerous For Victims of Partner Violence?

by Fayaz Ahmad Paul Intimate partner violence is defined as physical or sexual violence, emotional abuse and stalking. It is typically experienced by women of...

Downgrading Red Zone

At one point of time, Hajin belt was emerging as Coronavirus hotbed. Though the belt continues wearing the red zone status, the numbers have...

Frontline Innovator

As Covid-19 spread and the government locked Kashmir down, Farooz Ahmad devoted his time to making face shields for the doctors and other frontline...

Why Bayt al-Mal Is The Most Relevant Community Institution During Pandemic?

by Umair Rashid The Bayt al-Mal (literally means ‘the House for money’) is used as an equivalent for the Treasury House where public funds are...

Why The Pandemic Tests Our Federal Credentials?

by Basit Amin Makhdoomi The advent of Covid-19 has not only put to test the health apparatus of our country but has also inflicted a...

Coronavirus Pandemic: What Are Covid Toes By The Way?

by Sheikh Umar Ahmad Since the advent of Coronavirus, we have seen different phases of advances in Covid-19 research with every day new facts being...

‘We Are On The Brinks of Community Transmission’

Pulmonologist Dr Naveed Nazir Shah, as head of the Chest Diseases Hospital, is managing the main counter Covid-19 hospital in Kashmir. He tells Khalid...

Those Pock Marking Viruses

Battling diseases has been one of the few constants in life. One scourge was yet to be tackled that another appeared. In this long...

‘Lockdowns Will Not Block Covid-19 Transmission Completely’

Acclaimed scientist, Prof Mohammad Sultan Khuroo’s significant contribution include the discovery of Hepatitis-E virus in 1978 from Kashmir when 1700 of an estimated 52000...