Saturday, May 18, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Epidemic Killed Indus Valley Civilization?

Researchers have not been able to locate a single major factor for the disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization other than waterborne disease. Cholera, David...

The Covid Collateral

While the entire focus is on preventing Covid-19 related fatalities, people are silently dying from treatable medical conditions and also because of the negligence...

A Hundred Years Later

The Spanish Flu that brought the world on its knees by killing almost five crore people exactly a century earlier has visited Kashmir also. Though...

‘We Will Have To Continue With Social Distancing Even After Lockdown’

Dr Javaid Malik, the head of the Chest Medicine at SKIMS Medical College Hospital Bemina tell Khalid Bashir Gura KASHMIR LIFE (KL): What is the current status of...

A Pandemic, A Lesson

Slovenian philosopher sees the Covid-19 pandemic as an intellectual malaise that has exposed “the ultimate abyss of our being” and its remedy lies in...

5 Stages of Epidemic

by Slavoj Zizek Maybe we can learn something about our reactions to the Coronavirus epidemics from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who, in her On Death and Dying,...

Worried Warriors

Doctors, paramedics and biotechnology scholars, currently on the frontline in the battle against Covad-19are delivering efficiently. They, however, regret that the system, their management...

Blood and Virus

After the mourners violated the social distancing norms in Sopore, security grid has silently started official burial of the slain militants in Kashmir to...

What Are Vaccines And How They Work?

by Dr Sajad Bhat Infectious diseases have always burdened our global society resulting in immense human suffering, a huge strain on our economy, medical systems and...

Covid Champions

Defying lock-down, curfew and the internet at snail-pace, scores of young men in Kashmir have offered amazing solutions to the various challenges triggered by...

What is Herd Immunity and How It Works?

by Dr Kouser Sideeq The term herd immunity includes two words. Firstly, the herd which originated from a German word heord, means a large group of...

Under Corona Crosshairs

As families are rediscovering their shared spaces during the ongoing lockdown, a section of the society is witnessing a dramatic rise in domestic violence,...

Why Pandemic Should Encourage Muslim Societies To Break Inertia?

by  Mohamad Zubair-u-din There is no denying the fact that Islam attaches great importance to knowledge and education. That education is the starting point of every...

Changed Concerns

The battle against the virus triggered pandemic has pushed everything else to the back-burner in the private and public sector reports Tasavur Mushtaq Said to be...

Understanding The Virus

With an estimated 100 million types and so abundant that all the life forms put together, the viruses were discovered only after the invention...