Jammu and Kashmir Police Headquarters (PHQ) bid an impressive farewell to Syed Ashiq Hussain Bukhari in Jammu Monday evening. Bukhari superannuated as Deputy Inspector General of Police (Administration) PHQ this afternoon.
Director General of Police (DGP), K Rajendra Kumar, on the occasion, lauded the contributions made by Bukhari during his service career of 37 years and said that he is amongst the most professional officers of the Organization, by the dint of whose dedication and valour, the force has achieved heights of excellence in professional policing, an official spokesperson said.
He said that the officer rendered an exemplary service and has been always loyal to the law, which has been recognized at different levels.
DGP said that Bukhari has worked on different assignments in the Organization as SDPO, SP, SSP and DIG across the State. He was competent one, who worked with team spirit and coordination to overcome the challenging situations successfully. His strategy and planning was the secret of his successes, said the DGP.
Rajendra stressed for maintaining better relations with the retired police officers, saying that they are part and parcel of the Organization and the department has to remain in close touch with them to seek guidance from their expertise. He commended the role of retiring officer in maintaining law and order and counter insurgency in the State, besides other fields of professional policing.
On the occasion, Bukhari deliberated on his long experiences in various wings of the Organization and said that he has always tried to deliver with dedication and sincerity to live up to the expectations of his seniors. He feels proud to be a member of Police Parivar for long period and reorganization of his services by the Organization and the government was a great tribute for him. He said that the guidance of his seniors and support by his subordinates lead him to face different challenges successfully in the field. He thanked the DGP and other officers for their wholehearted support in performing the professional duties during his entire service.