Flood Scare Keeps City Centre Residents on Toes Through Out Night



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Panic grip Hari Singh High Street residents late Thursday evening when flood waters started coming in to the area.

Local residents said that water started coming in their homes which kept them awaken all through the night.

“The water from bulging Jhelum was coming in the area through the ‘Over-Flow’ pipes which run in to the river,” one of the residents said. He added that it caused panic in the area and people started coming out of their homes.

Pertinently, in last year September floods, Jhelum had breached just beyond Budshah flats – Hanuman Ghat – causing flood in the area.

In the adjacent Gonikhan area, locals said that late Thursday evening water was seen coming out of shops constructed on Jhelum banks. “As people saw water coming out of shops, suddenly chaos and panic gripped people,” a local said adding, “everyone came out of their homes and were setting their merchandise to safer places.”

And soon, he further informed, water started receding although people were on toes given the last year’s September flood nightmares.


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