KL Report
Pursuant to the judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of J&K passed in SWP No.3065/2010 titled Anita Sharma and others Vs State of J&K and others connected with SWP No.1620/2010 titled Shakti Pathak and others Vs State of J&K and others, the Home Department vide Circular No.18-Home of 2013 dated 24.10.2013 has notified the tentative seniority list of DySPs (Executive) as it stood on 01.08.1999. The tentative seniority list along with other details has been uploaded on the website of the Home Department www.jkhome.nic.in. The concerned officers are asked to file their response/representation(s), if any, to the said seniority list within the prescribed time period.