Infant Mortality rate down



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Infacts in a ventilator at GB Pant Hospital
Infants in a ventilator at GB Pant Hospital


After being in news for month’s GB Pant Hospital is now improving their services. The hospital has revealed that the death rate has decreased from 13.26% in May 2012 to 9.61% in August 2012. With this the total death rate has also come down from 4.16% in May 2012 to 3.31% in August 2012.

Till April this year, the average deaths per day were on a rise but now the rate has shown a decline with 13.26% neo-natal deaths in May, 12.08% in June, 8.63% in July and 9.61 in August.

Various precautions were taken by the hospital administration to retain the fame of only children’s hospital in Kashmir. At district (old districts) level the special neonatal care units (SNCUs) have been sanctioned while stabilization units have been established in newly created districts.


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