by Babra Wani

SRINAGAR: Kashmiri filmmaker Arif Bashir Naik secured the Swedish Academy Of Motion Picture Award in the short film category for his creation, Where is Kashmir (Kasheer Kaete), amongst hundreds of entries.

A screengrab from Arif Bashir Naik’s film, Kasheer Kaete

The film unfolds in Kashmir and revolves around Adnan, a young boy from a lower-middle-class family. Adnan endeavours to bring a smile to his blind sister’s face by purchasing a birthday cake. However, his plans encounter an unforeseen hurdle when his bicycle chain snaps on the way back from the town bakery. Complicating matters, an army checkpoint, heightened due to a security concern, poses a challenge. Adnan, a subject of intense scrutiny, must navigate through the vigilant army guard, confronting the barrel of a gun while his sister patiently awaits the promised birthday cake.

Arif Bashir, the writer-director, draws heavily from personal experiences growing up in Kashmir. Kasheer Kaete offers a glimpse into the challenging life of an ordinary young boy in a region marred by violence.

“It is always great to find appreciation for your films, your artworks,” Arif said. He added that he and his team are now aiming for Cannes and Sundance-like festivals. “I had a great team, and therefore the film was done the way it is.” He added that a few delays due to some technical issues, “didn’t allow us to submit for other festivals. But Insha Allah that too shall happen.”

Arif will be receiving the award within a month, “As of now we have received the certificate. We are hopeful to participate in other festivals as well. This award is the beginning. An appreciation or recognition coming at this stage is huge, it motivates us to think about more future products.”

Arif’s movie went through many filtrations and different stages to receive the award. Arif, a writer, poet, and communications postgraduate from a small village in North Kashmir’s Tangmarg area, witnessed firsthand the impact of violence on his friends and family.


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