Money paid to ministers for lease extension of Tosmaidan: Geelani


KL Report

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Chairman Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Geelani has expressed his serious concern about the government proposal of extending lease agreement for Tosmaidan meadow in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.

In a statement issued to press on Friday, he has claimed that citing information from his ‘credible sources’ that money has been paid to ministers and bureaucrats for the purpose and they for their personal interests plead on behalf of army and are hell-bent to go ahead with the extension of lease agreement.

He said, “Hurriyat Conference will not stay silent and would oppose the move tooth and nail and for this they would launch a strong protest after taking into confidence the people of the affected area.”

The statement quoting Geelani said that ‘state authorities for the lust of their power and money interests have decided to dispose off all resources and assets to the people in Delhi’.

Comparing the role played by the men in administration (politicians) and government backed armed personnel (Ikhwanis), Syed Ali Geelani alleged that they (mainstream politicians) take least care of obligation towards their nation and community but are more detrimental than renegades of Ikhwan.

“Although Ikhwanis killed the unarmed and innocent civilians, however, politicians like Omar Abdullah and Ghulam Hassan Mir while playing as stooges handed over the dead bodies and  all the available recourses of state for their petty interests.”

 While commenting over the statement of Omar Abdullah, The statement further quoted Hurriyat Chairman saying Omar Abdullah government has admitted that military drills in Tosmaidan area has resulted  in immense loss to the lives and property and ironically neither rent for army occupied land has been paid nor any  compensation has been provided to the families of deceased and injured persons. “It is ironical that forces have not paid even a single penny as rent for the three thousand Kanals of Tosmaidan land.”

Lashing out at mainstream politicians he said “since 1947 pro-India politicians are playing a criminal role and are looting and exploiting the resources of the state for their personal gains and they are the main cause for the destruction and devastation in the state.”

 Accusing the mainstream political groups of taking bribe from army he said “army has approached administration for an extension in lease agreement, the politicians are playing very active role for said deal and Indian army has funded these politicians and some bureaucrats,” adding, “though after the revelations made by Gen V.K Sigh we were expecting that no such deal would be executed but the declarations in this regard in assembly has surprised us that the case is under examination and under consideration.”

The statement further quoted Geelani as having said that Hurriyat Conference is closely monitoring the issue and with active support of the people of affected area and will strongly oppose and would launch protest against extension in lease agreement for Tosmaidan meadow.


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