SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Police in north Kashmir’s Handwara have attached the orchard land of 1.8 kanals at Humpora Kralgund, belonging to a notorious drug peddler, Mushtaq Ahmad Mir, also known as Chakoo, son of Gh Nabi Mir of Beighpora Kralgund.
A police spokesperson said that the action was taken under Section 68-F of the NDPS Act, 1985.
As per police statement, Mushtaq Ahmad Mir is involved in multiple NDPS cases, including FIR No. 75/2020 under Section 8/21 of the NDPS Act at PS Kralgund and FIR No. 91/2018 under Section 8/22 of the NDPS Act at PS Dangiwacha Sopore.
It said that the attached property was identified as illegally acquired during an investigation by Kralgund Police, confirming that it was purchased through illicit drug trafficking.
“Currently detained at Kote-bilwal Jammu under the PIT-NDPS Act, Mir’s seizure highlights the Handwara Police’s commitment to eradicating the drug menace,” the police said.