The director general of police, SP Vaid has ordered transfers for deputy superintendent ranks in various departments of police on Saturday evening. As per the order number 4329 of 2018, dated August 25, 2018, following transfers have been ordered:
- Ifthkar Talib, DYSP CID SB Hqrs Jammu is transferred and posted as SDPO Qazigund vice After Hussain Shah.
- Shukat Rafiq Wani, DYSP CID SB Kupwara is transferred and posted as SDPO Pahalgam vice Tariq Ahmad.
- Syed Majeed Mosavi, DYSP IR-6th Bn is transferred and posted as DYSP Hqrs Anantnag vice Burhan Ul Haq Kanth.
- Syed Javeed Ahmad, DYSP IR-18th Bn is transferred and posted as DYSP Hqrs Baramulla vice Owais Ahmad Wani.
- Owais ahmad Wani, DYSP Hqrs Baramulla is transferred and posted as DYSP JKAP-5th Bn against available vacancy.
- Aftab Hussain Shah, SDPO Qazigund is transferred and posted as DYSP CID SB Hqrs Jammu vice Ifthkar Talib.
- Satish Bhardwaj, DYSP DAR Reasi is transferred and posted as Principal CTI Jammu vice Khalid Ashraf.
- Khalid Ashraf, DYSP, Principal CTI Jammu is transferred and posted as DYSP DAR Reasi vice Satish Bhardwaj.
- Mir Burhan Ul Haq Kanth, DYSP Hqrs Anantnag is transferred and posted as DYSP IR-6th Bn vice Syed Majeed Mosavi.
- Satish Kumar, SDPO DH Pora is transferred and posted as DYSP DAR Pulwama vice Davinder Singh.
- Davinder Singh, DYSP Dar Pulwama is transferred and posted as DYSP AHJ Srinagar vice Assadullah Bhat.
- Ali Mohammad, SDPO Chrar-i-Sharief is transferred and posted as DYSP CID CI Budgam vice Fayaz Ahmad.
- Syed Fayaz Ahmad, DYSP CID CI Budgam is transferred and posted as SDPO Chrar-i-Sharief vice Ali Mohammad.
- Tariq Ahmad, SDPO Pahalgam is transferred and posted as DYSP CID SB Kupwara vice Shukat Rafiq Wani.
- Assadullah Bhat, DYSP AHJ Srinagar is transferred and posted as DYSP JKAP-12th Bn against available vacancy.
Moreover, it also added that the ransfers in respect of Ashiq Hussain Tak, DYSP from Hqrs Shopian to SDPO Zakura, Syed Sajad Hussain, DYSP from CID CIK Hqrs to Hqrs Shopian and Sajad Ahmad Malik, DYSP from SDPO Zakura to CID SB Ganderbal in terms of PHQ order no. 2284 od 2018 dated 30.05.2018, 2020 of 2018 dated 11.05.2018 and 2431 of 2018 dated 10.06.2018 are herby cancelled abinto.