Srinagar police seeks the help of the general public in tracing the 60 years old person, who is missing since May 12, 2018 afternoon.
According to a report lodged by his family at Rajbagh Police Station, Mohd Sultan Dar (60) left his home in Aramwari Rajbagh around 6:50 am on May 12.
“He was wearing grey Khan suit and half sleeve white jacket and a white skull cap when he went missing. He was also carrying a blue bag,” the complaint read.
The search to trace out the missing person has been started, said a police spokesman.
“Anybody having any information regarding the missing person may kindly inform Police Station Rajbagh on 9596770524 & 9596770863 or PCR Srinagar on 9596222550, 9596222551, or Police Control Room Kashmir on 100.”