Ratnpuri Meets MOS HRD


KL Report

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The Central government has accepted the proposal to disburse all savings from scholarships of general category degree courses among additional eligible Medical and Engineering students under Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme. The proposal was mooted by MP GN Ratanpuri yesterday in a high level meeting with Minister and MOS HRD and the acceptance was conveyed by Secretary Higher Education in a meeting to the MP.

As per a local news agency, KNS, this meeting was also attended by officers of AICTE and those looking after scholarships. The government has also assured to clear the backlog and disburse all the scholarships within twenty days. The meeting was informed that online registration for next academic session is almost complete and would be available on Internet by the end of current month. Henceforth no bunch scholarships and NGO interventions may be allowed and a maximum of five students will be selected for scholarships from an institute.


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