Amendment to PM’s relief & rehabilitation package for Kashmiri Migrants approved


KL Report

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The Cabinet which met here, Friday, under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, approved the proposed amendments to the Prime Minister’s Package for the return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Migrants to Kashmir Valley.

The proposed amendments will allow all Migrant families who would return to the Valley to avail incentive for construction/reconstruction of houses available under the package irrespective of the fact as to whether they have sold their properties before or after 1997. It also authorises all Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Valley to identify government land for setting up of clusters for such families who would return to family for construction of houses or through group housing societies. In case of non-availability of government land, the Deputy Commissioners shall identify land for acquisition.

The land to be acquired for the construction of individual houses or for group housing societies shall be identified at such places where there is no dislocation of the local population.  The revised cost estimates for the acquisition of land and the construction of houses for those migrants who have sold their properties after 1997 shall be worked out and included in the revised package for being sent to the Government of India.

The State Government will approach the Union Government of India for incorporating the land acquisition component in the package and release of funds thereof.


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