The speaker of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr Kavinder Gupta on Wednesday issued the provisional calendar for 6th Session of the 12th Legislative Assembly scheduled, to begin with, Governor’s Address on January 2, 2018. The session is scheduled to culminate on February 10, 2018.
The spokesman said Budget for the financial year 2018-19 would be presented by the Finance Minister, Dr Haseeb Drabu in the House on January 11, 2018. This will be his fourth budget in a row.
The House will take up discussion on Motion of Thanks to Governor’s Address on 3rd and 9th January. The discussion on Motion of Thanks to Governor’s Address will continue on January 10 with the reply thereto.
The spokesman added that annual statement of expenditure (Budget) for the year 2018-19 and supplementary statement of expenditure for the year 2017-18 will be presented in the House on January 11 while general discussion on Budget will be held on January 12 and January 15 in two sittings. The general discussion on Budget and reply thereto would be again held on January 16.
From January 17 to February 1, the House would take up for discussion demand of grants for individual departments. On February 2, the House would take up the Appropriation Bill.
Meanwhile, February 3 has been dedicated to Government Business, followed by Private Members Bills on February 5.