Jammu and Kashmir Bank Chairman & CEO, Parvez Ahmed, on Saturday announced a cash reward of Rs.50,000 each for six bank security guards who foiled the attempt of unidentified gunmen to loot the bank on different occasions. Besides, a bank driver, who is on adhoc basis in the bank, has also been given the same amount of cash reward. They will also be given an appreciation certificate for the bravery, the spokesman said.
A spokesperson in a statement said that while announcing the cash awards, the chairman and CEO Parvez Ahmed said, “Money is not a substitute for the act of wit and bravery which the bank security guards and the driver of the cash van have shown. However, it’s a token acknowledgment from the management of the bank for their efforts to protect the interests of the institution which is an invaluable asset of the people of the J&K state. These brave hearts risking their lives is commendable.”
The chairman also acknowledged the support of the people at Mohammadpora who too risked their lives while helping the bank officials to thwart the robbery attempt of gunmen. “The peoples’ support serves as a great source of inspiration for us and will further strengthen the bond of trust that the bank shares with the people of J&K,” said Parvez Ahmed. He appealed to all stakeholder of the bank to extend their full support in protecting the public money and assets of the bank.
“Four armed security guards and the driver who were on duty with the cash van of the bank foiled the attempt of unidentified gunmen to loot the cash van. During the course, the security guards and the driver were seriously injured as bullets were showered on the van,” the spokesman said.
Notably, the cash van was intercepted by the gunmen in-between Zainapora and Imam Sahib, Shopian on June 7, 2018. The awarded armed security guards and the driver are: Hidayatullah, Gul Pathan, Mohammad Gazi Khan, Parvez Ahmed Bhat and Farooq Ahmed, he said.
“A few days back, armed robbers attacked the bank’s Khrew branch and the alert security guard, Mukhtar Ahmad Bajad, foiled their attempt to loot the bank. The security guard was even injured as he was stabbed while thwarting the attempt of robbers to loot the bank branch,” he added.
“Another security guard, Mohammad Ashram Oswal, while guarding the Mohammadpora branch of the bank in Shopian, was seriously injured when unidentified gunmen showered bullets on him and attempted to loot the branch. The incident happened in the last week of July,” the spokesman in a statement said.