J&K Udaan’s Time Period Extended till 2019-20



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The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Modi has given its approval for extension of time period of the Scheme “Special Industry Initiative for J&K” (SII J&K) Udaan till 2019-20. Initially the time period of Udaan was upto 2015-16, a communique informed.

Udaan provides exposure to the youth of J&K to the best of corporate India and corporate India to the rich talent pool available in the State. So far, 67 leading corporates have partnered with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under UDAAN with a commitment to train youth from the State covering Organized Retail, Banking, Financial Services, IT, ITES, Infrastructure, Hospitality etc. More than 19,000 candidates have been selected, more than 15,000 have joined training, out of them, 8700 candidates have completed training and 6,838 have been offered jobs. It is expected that the target of the Scheme, to train and enhance employability of 40,000 graduates, post graduates and three year engineering diploma holders, will be achieved by 2019-20. To accelerate the pace of implementation, mega selection drives have been introduced, in which around 8-10 corporates participate in a drive. It has significantly improved the number of selections. 67 mega selection drives have been held so far covering all districts of the state.

Udaan is a national integration scheme with the goal to mainstream J&K youth with mainland India. The scheme not only provides skill enhancement and job opportunity but also leads to weaning away youth of J&K from militancy.



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