JRL appeals people to observe April 1 as black day



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Turning the sole responsibility on India for the gruesome incidents in Jammu and Kashmir the Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) comprising of Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Dr Mohammad Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik made an appeal to observe 1st April as the black day of the history of subjugation.

The spokesman said JRL regretting the government stiffness to turn deaf ears towards the loud and clear voice of the people of Jammu and Kashmir with regard to peaceful, political and Legitimate resistance movement, time and again millions and millions of people thronging on the roads and streets of their motherland and raising slogans for their freedom movement.

“The JRL citing glaring examples of the recent past when the highly peaceful and much disciplined public processions were dealt with iron fists and military might in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2016 by government forces which culminated in the shape of genocide, random arrests of the youth, maiming and bruising the thousands of people by indiscriminately showering bullets and pallets on them,” the spokesman quoted JRL saying.

The JRL condemning the use of brute force against the peaceful public processions especially in the southern part of the Kashmir valley, Kachdooru, Shopian and Islamabad, said that these repressive measures can’t deter the freedom loving people from their sacred cause of right to self-determination.

Paying rich tributes to all the militants who were killed in Kachdooru including civilians, the JRL appealed for a two-day strike call and offering funeral prayers for them after Asar and Zohar prayers on 1st and 2nd April.

The JRL also made a sincere appeal to the freedom loving people to remain vigilant and cautious against the conspiracies to disintegrate the unity among the freedom loving people and the leadership, the spokesman added.


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