Kashmir University Appoints Two New Deans



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Prof Bashir Ahmad Khan has been appointed as Dean, School of Social Sciences, University of Kashmir.

He has done his Ph.D in Modern Indian History (under the guidance of Mohammad Ishaq Khan, a known historian of Indian Sub-continent) focusing on Revivalist and Reformist Movements in India in the 19th Century.

As an academician and researcher, Prof. B. A. Khan has guided more than 20 M. Phil and PhD research scholars; and has taught at PG level for nearly three decades. He has co-authored one book and edited one. He has contributed a number of papers in learned journals of National and International importance like The Muslim World, Pakistan Historical Society, Hamdard Islamicus, and Muslim Culture Hyderabad, India. He has served twice Head, Department of History and Director Physical Education and Sports, University of Kashmir.

He has served as a member in Indian History Congress, Punjab History Congress, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association and University Syndicate etc.

Meanwhile, as per another University order Professor Shamim  Ahmad  Shah, of  Department of Geography and Regional Development has been appointed as Dean School of Earth and the Environmental Sciences University of Kashmir.

Professor Shamim is an alumnus of Jamia  Millia  Islamia  New Delhi. He is actively engaged in research and teaching.  His research interests are in travel and tourism, environment planning,  GIS  and  Remote sensing applications. Many scholars have completed research under his guidance. He is presently guiding Ph.D. research scholars on diverse themes of societal relevance, besides he is also working on Research Projects funded by various funding agencies.

He has widely published in a reputed journal. He is member of reputed Academic bodies both at national and international level.


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