Terming the Rs 80,0000 crore package announcement by PM Narendra Modi as mere eyewash, JK PCC Chief GA Mir Saturday said it was a political gimmick to appease his coalition partner in J&K.
Mir castigated PM Modi for announcing “ambiguous” economic package besides terming it as a cruel joke.
“It amounts to adding salt to injuries of flood victims,” Mir said in a statement.
He said PM failed to announce the much-talked about peace initiative and instead took a wind out of the previous Congress-led UPA government’s sails while announcing the package.
“Rs 34,000 cr package for J&K National Highway stands already approved by UPA Govt and the funds for Mega Projects can’t be linked with the package for the fact these were already part of UPA Govt’s Developmental Plan,” he said.
Mir accused PDP-led Govt for keeping people under siege for four days to pretend that the Prime Minister’s rally was successful, “which is far from the reality”.
PCC Chief said it was ironical that thousands of non-locals were hired for participating in the PMs Rally.