No JK Bank Calendar, Diaries In 2021


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Bank has decided to have digital all calendars and dairies in 2021. The decision was taken in wake of the Finance Ministry communication that the states and institutions must economise the expences.

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How Much Kashmir Spends On Calendars In 365 Days?

Keeping The Date


“It is correct. We have got the circular. This year we will not have any physical wall calendars or a diary,” one banker confirmed to Kashmir Life. “The circular says there will be digital versions of a diary as well as the wall calendar.”

JK Bank calendar has remained the only product of the entire baking sector for which the people would wait. It was always in huge demand. Informed sources said the bank would print almost 25 lakh calendars and it would cost around Rs 3.5 crore. However, these two products would help the bank to stay in almost every home across Jammu and Kashmir.

Why JK Bank Calnder Is Important?

Turning the Calendar

One branch manager said while the decision will mean “less headache” to the field staff, the fact is that it was one of the only things that would get the bank massive publicity at almost o cost. “To be very honest, I am yet to reach a decision whether this is a good or a bad decision,” he said.

“Happy new year for Kashmir was jk bank calendar. This is a loss at the societal level. Everybody would have it on their walls,” one resident sent in a message to KL newsroom. “Last year they had reduced pages and this year onwards no calendar.”

Journalist Peerzada Ashiq wrote on his Facebook wall: “J&K Bank calendar was the last remaining thread, holding the bits and pieces of syncretic local culture, beauty, cuisines, shrines, temples, talent. It was a piece of identity that would be seen hanging religiously in all houses in Kashmir. The most visited room would have a bank calendar slinging. The pride of the bank always merged with the pride of people. People would wait for it eagerly and the bank employees would be chased, prodded and reminded to have one copy vouchsafed. And with one stroke of pen, the J&K Bank has ended the printing and also ended the means to have collective memories about days and dates of J&K. There could be nothing shameful on part of the bank but stopping hard copies of the calendars. Is it the bank we all nurtured with our blood and sweat for the past 30 years?”


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