Radio channel 93.5 Red FM are going to launch its radio station in Srinagar on Eid Ul Azha. Staying true to its tagline of being a provocative entertainer RED FM will create a space for its Bajaate Raho content formats while keeping the values and ethics of the city under consideration. The primary focus will be to provide an unlimited dose of entertainment to listeners in the form of music, humor and engaging content.
Commenting on the launch Nisha Narayanan, COO, RED FM says, “This new station is a huge milestone in RED FM’s growth and successful journey. With the brand philosophy and attitude that is ‘Bajaate Raho!’, RED FM is proud to make its entry in Kashmir, and we hope that the people of Kashmir will enjoy tuning in to Red FM. We are geared up with a lineup of talented RJs, entertainment, and Super hit music. The launch, this EID is our gift to all the citizens of Kashmir from the entire team at RED FM.”