SRINAGAR: In a dazzling display of beauty, and grace, Priyanka Pandita emerged victorious as Miss Universe Jammu and Kashmir in an event that marked a significant milestone in Jammu’s pageantry scene. The event, held at the luxurious Vivanta Jammu City Centre, was inaugurated by Sana Dua, the region’s first Miss India, who has redefined the fashion and cultural landscape of Jammu and Kashmir.
The weekend evening was not just about the crowning of a beauty queen; it was a grand spectacle that set new standards of excellence in the world of fashion. Judges, including Bollywood actress and model Alankrita Sahai, actor Sahil Salathia, and Sana Dua herself, were tasked with the challenging role of selecting the winner among a pool of talented contestants who had been meticulously groomed under the expert guidance of Image and Beyond by Sana Dua.
The contestants captivated the audience with their poise and confidence, exuding an enchanting charm that was further enhanced by the magical touch of Gautam Bali, the event’s beauty partner. Each participant showcased not only their external beauty but also the inner strength and confidence that is emblematic of modern beauty queens.
Priyanka Pandita, who shone brightly throughout the competition, was crowned as Miss Universe Jammu and Kashmir, earning her the honour of representing the region at Miss Universe India. Her victory was complemented by Aishwarya Pansare and Arzoo Sharma, who were named the first and second runners-up, respectively.
The event was a celebration of not just individual beauty but also of the collective spirit and cultural richness of Jammu. The city of Jammu, along with the contestants, expressed deep gratitude to Sana Dua for her tireless efforts in orchestrating an event that has revolutionised the region’s pageantry scene. The Miss Universe Jammu and Kashmir pageant stands as a beacon of hope, ambition, and transformation, promising to inspire and empower future generations of beauty queens.