SRINAGAR: BJPs national general secretary Ram Madhav landed in Srinagar Thursday morning almost in emergency, informed sources said. Madhav, who flew from a early morning flight, is the second party official who came to Srinagar after Home Minister Raj Nath Singh’s visit last week.
Avinsh Rai Khanna flew to Srinagar the next day after Singh’s visit.
Informed sources said the party has taken the day long strike by Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry were seriously and is trying to locate the crisis that reflected in the strike. The Chamber had accused the BJP ministers of flouting accountability and not doing anything substantial for Jammu. The day long strike was moderately observed on Monday. Jammu Chamber leaders had met the visiting Home Mnister Rajnath Singh and briefed him about their concerns and the governance issues relating to some of the ministers.
Party source said that BJP High Command deputed three senior party leaders to the State to ascertain the functioning of the coalition after Home Minister conveyed a negative feeback. Jammu Chamber apart, even members of the Sangh Parivaar in Jammu including VHP have voiced concern against some of the BJP ministers.
The Chamber had suggested its Kashmir counterpart also to be part of the strike but the new body of the Kashmir Chamber did not approve of it.
Source said five BJP ministers are being held accountable for their conduct and in case of three of them, the situation is pretty difficult. The sources did not offer any names but said the party is not taking the public reaction of Jammu chamber lightly.
Reports about cabinet reshuffle in the ruling coalition government have been going on since budget session of 2017. These reports were neither accepted by the government not rejected.
(Photographs used in this copy lack a direct relavance to the news).