The Jammu and Kashmir police on Tuesday said that as many as 17 FIR’s are registered against the Dukhtaran-e-Millat chairperson Syedah Aasiya Andrabi in various police stations of Jammu and Kashmir.
A spokesperson of the amalgam said: “In its status report the Police through chief prosecuting officer informed Ist Additional Sessions Judge in the lower court here that 17 cases are registered against Aasiya Andrabi under different sections in various police stations of Srinagar.”
The spokesperson in a statement said that pertinently, Asiya Andrabi’s family had filed a composite bail application for her. Asiya was produced before the court on Tuesday and her next date of hearing was set on November 30.
Meanwhile, the first additional Sessions judge directed the Central Jail authorities to provide specialised health treatment to the incarcerated chairperson of Dukhtaran-e-Millat chairperson Ms Andrabi.
Earlier the medical superintendent of Central Jail Srinagar had submitted the health status of Syedah Aasiyah.
In its report the MS Central Jail has said that Syedah Aasiya is suffering from various ailments including Bronchial Asthma, Hypertention, Dermatitis and Chronic Lower backache C radiclupathy .
“Environmental facts like dust, cold and infection from other jail inmates can increase the risk of bronchospas, angioedema which is fatal for Syedah Aasiya,” the MS said, adding that as such Aasiya needs regular specialised medical treatment to maintain her health status.
The court directed the jail authorities to have regular check ups of Syedah Asiya.
Syedah Aasiyah Andrabi and her aide, Sofi Fehmeeda are undergoing detention since August 2016 under the draconian Public Safety act.