Breach Of Privilege Against SP Pulwama Concludes


KL Report

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The proceedings of breach of privilege against Superintendent Police Pulwama Amit Kumar filed by National Conference Member Parliament (MP) G N Ratanpuri concluded Tuesday with privilege committee of the Rajaya Sabha asking the MP and the police officers to sort out the issue.

Sources told a local news agency, KNS that the meeting of the Committee was held in New Delhi where the SP and the DGP Ashok Prasad were present. “The MP told the Committee that he had nothing personal against the SP but considered his behaviour as a manifestation of ills the system is suffering in Jammu and Kashmir. He told the Committee that his senior fellow politicians had tried to refrain him from filing the complaint of breach of privilege and also frightened him that taking cudgels with police force can prove costly for him,” sources told KNS.

The committee was headed by Deputy Chairman of RS Prof J P Kurien and among others Ravi Shankar Prasad and Balbir Punj of BJP and Sita Ram Yechuri of CPI-M are its members.

Talking to KNS Ratanpuri said, “The SP tendered an unconditional apology which I accepted.”

“I wanted to set an example for those politicians who claim to stand up for the honor and dignity of average Kashmiri, but show no signs of self respect and have developed immunity to extreme humiliation,” he added.

The SP Amit Kumar told KNS that the issue stands settled. “The privilege committee asked us to sort out the issue. Both of us shook hands. But the privilege committee is yet to give a written order.”


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