The general discussion on budget concluded in the House on Wednesday with several members participating in the debate.
Initiating the debate, Ghulam Nabi Monga, said the Panchayat budget is not up to the expectations. He accused the government of disempowering the Panchayats.
He said the provisions included in the budget for R&B, agriculture sector and unemployed youth is not up to the mark. He also said that current budget has neglected rehabilitation of Kashmiri migrants. He appealed the Government to pay special attention towards the aforesaid demands.
Qaiser Jamsheed Lone, in his remarks, praised the intelligence of Finance Minister but castigated the finance minister for presenting a theoretically based budget which has less impact on grass root level. He added that government has failed to include the provision or enhancement of funds for the important sectors like agriculture, sheep and animal husbandry. Besides, the MLC praised the provision for horticulture sector in the budget.
Mohammad Muzzafar Parrey, said that the aspirations of 60,000 casual workers have not fulfilled by dispensation just by their regularization policy, as their cases have not been taken seriously.
Terming the agriculture sector as a backbone of rural economy, the MLC said that government should provide more funds for the sector, so that major chunk of agrarians is benefitted properly.
He snubbed that house members and also some officers are not serious about the proceeding s of the council which causes disregard to the sanctity of the House.
Saif-ud-din Bhat, appreciated finance minister and his team for presenting such people friendly, clear and transparent budget which is easily comprehensible for general masses without any obstacle. He hailed the provision for reforming the treasury system and introduction of Pays and Accounts (PAO) to put an end on the corruption and delay in works.
He hailed the decision of nominating Vice Chairman in several public sector corporations, which will help to streamline its functioning and will generate more income for the state. He also appreciated the incumbent for enhancement of wages for labour class and also hailed the decision for earmarking of funds for the revival of carpet industry.
Showkat Hussain Ganaie, while criticizing the budget, he termed it as replica of previous budget and nothing special has been introduced in the current fiscal year budget. He also alleged that government has failed for providing relief to the common people and also said that current government has failed to include the aspirations of common people in the budget. He also said that the newly appointed VC’s for corporations is burden on state exchequer. He said that such amount would have been utilized for the development purpose.
Naresh Kumar Gupta, while opposing the budget said that unemployed youth have been totally deprived in the budget and also demanded that special attention is to be paid towards the far flung and remote areas of Chenab valley for their holistic development including the education, better road connectivity and other basic amenities.
Ramesh Arora, hailed the present incumbent for producing a transparent and clear crystal budget. He stressed upon the government to clarify the mode of payment of arrears to the employees on account of 7th pay commission. He also exhorted upon the government to create a separate department for the PoK refugees which will address their daily related issues demands.
Sham Lal Bhagat, appreciated the inclusion of Panchayat budget for its smooth functioning, while as, he exhorted upon the government to come up with pragmatic and proper implementation policy smooth functioning of Panchayat raj at the ground level. He demanded to establish more bank branches in rural areas for easy transfer of funds. He also said more attention should be paid to the development of the agrarian sector of Chenab valley to boost the economy and to find scope for the construction of Mandi in the area.
Zafar Iqbal Manhas hailed the budget by calling it people friendly and said that it is easily comprehensible for the common masses and also said that budget witnessed the decrease in deficits which indicates a big breakthrough for the government.
He also said that more attention should be paid to saffron and silk industry and appealed the present incumbent to put an end to the concretization and construction on the saffron land. He also demanded to increase in wages of labour class.