by Dr Bilal Ahmad Dar 

Clinging to toxic relationships can only lead to disgrace, embarrassment, and existential despair.

Couples tend to fight more in a section of the families during the ongoing lock-down restrictions

‘Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go’.
Oscar Wilde

Building healthy social connections is crucial to human well-being, but discernment is key. While fostering connections, we must cultivate the ability to differentiate between those who offer genuine connection and those who may harbour harmful intentions. Failing to do so can indeed lead to negative experiences.

Identifying those who may be manipulative or toxic can be challenging, as they often cloak themselves in facades of virtue. However, spending time with such individuals often reveals their true nature. Beneath the veneer of superficiality and feigned respect, their harmful motivations may become evident. It’s important to remember that such behaviour can manifest in individuals of all genders and backgrounds, regardless of community affiliation.

By developing our ability to discern genuine connections from manipulation, we can build a network of supportive and enriching relationships. This discernment involves paying attention to red flags such as negativity, gossip, and attempts to control or exploit others. Additionally, nurturing genuine connections involves actively engaging with individuals who demonstrate kindness, respect, and positive intentions.

Surrounding ourselves with individuals who uplift and support us is essential for personal growth and happiness. By prioritising genuine connection and exercising discernment, we can navigate the complex landscape of social interactions and cultivate a thriving social circle that contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

Recognising the Red Flags

Certain individuals consistently exhibit harmful behaviours that can negatively impact those around them. These individuals may engage in character assassination, fabricating stories to demean others, making snap judgments without evidence, and harbouring hidden ill will. They often exhibit self-absorption, overestimating their abilities and virtues, while simultaneously displaying arrogance, insolence, and quarrelsome behaviour. Their moral shortcomings are further highlighted by backbiting, jealousy, and social impertinence.

Ann Brown aptly describes such individuals as “chaos creators who point fingers, shift blame, and avoid taking responsibility.” Their presence is ubiquitous, infiltrating all aspects of society, not confined to specific environments. They socialise mechanically, often masking their true nature through hypocrisy, affectation, duality, and verbal irony.

William Shakespeare, renowned playwright, masterfully depicted such characters in his works. Iago, from Othello, stands as a prime example of a shallow and toxic individual. His infamous quote, “I am not what I am,” perfectly embodies their inherent duplicity. These individuals employ double-speak and verbal irony to manipulate, satirise, and sow discord among others. Their twisted pleasure lies in witnessing the misfortune of others, orchestrated through slander and manipulation, mirroring the Shakespearean Iago.

By recognising these red flags, we can navigate the social landscape with greater awareness and discernment. Cultivating healthy relationships requires identifying and distancing ourselves from individuals who exhibit harmful behaviours, fostering instead genuine connections built on mutual respect and positive intentions.

Cutting Ties

Maintaining relationships with shallow and toxic individuals can be detrimental to both our social standing and mental well-being. These individuals, often termed “sociopaths” or “social nuts,” exhibit marked shallowness and obnoxious toxicity. They are notorious for tarnishing others through social slander, motivated by their own social inadequacies. Engaging with them offers no benefit; instead, it compromises our respect and grace.

Therefore, maintaining distance from such individuals is crucial. We must not entertain their negativity, but rather respond with intellectual acuity and deliberate avoidance. Their caustic and satirical language is intended to destabilize our mental balance, potentially leading to depression and further abuse.

Shunning these individuals safeguards our social respect and psychological health. Their constant attempts to create drama over petty issues, exploit weaknesses for personal gain, and derive pleasure from others’ flaws expose their true nature. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and identifying them is essential to dislodging them from our lives.

Bilal Ahmad Dar

As the saying goes, “keeping good terms with a snake results only in death.” Similarly, clinging to toxic relationships can only lead to disgrace, embarrassment, and existential despair.

For a successful, respectable, and socially graceful life, we must distance ourselves from those we deem shallow and toxic. Letting go of such individuals is crucial to achieving our dreams and living a fulfilling life. The sooner we recognise and sever these harmful connections, the sooner we can cultivate healthier and more enriching relationships.

(The author teaches English and writes poetry. His book Sounds of Silence is coming out in 2024. Ideas are personal.)


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