JKBOSE Fails To Conduct 11th Class Exam, Students Aghast


by Saifullah Bashir

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SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (BOSE) has left the 11th standard students in the lurch by abandoning the examination mid-way.

While the BOSE officials cite “bad” weather as reason, the students are distressed.

The BOSE had issued the examination date sheet on November 19 last year with the exam slated to begin from December 12 and ending on January 6, 2021.

However, due to the heavy snowfall in the first week of January, the BOSE postponed the examinations for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of science stream along with examination of Sociology and one subject in Home Science stream.

Director Academics BOSE Dr Farooq Peer said, “Most of the roads were blocked, slippery and the temperature was below the freezing point. Students from Gurez, Pulwama and other areas had to reach examination centres, which was not possible.”

The inaction of the Board has put students in confusion.

“New academic session has started, private tuitions have started but we are yet to join. We have already lost a precious year. The BOSE should resolve this issue on an urgent basis”, said Irfan Malik an 11th class student.

Talking to Kashmir Life, BOSE Chairman Veena Pandita said, “The matter is under consideration. In a couple of days, we will come to a decision which will be conveyed to students.”

It is pertinent to mention here that following the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the BOSE had given a relaxation of 40 per cent in the syllabus for 11th and 12th standards, a trend followed in the Valley since 2016.


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