Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairperson Muhammad Yasin Malik on Friday said that Kashmiris languishing in jails and police stations as prisoners of conscience.
Addressing scores of devotees and activists after Friday prayers at Jenab Sahib Soura, Malik said the “so-called biggest democracy” and its allies in Jammu and Kashmir have incarcerated thousands of young and old, men and women in the name of peace and law and order. “Black Laws like PSA and investigating agencies like NIA are being used to jail and intimidate people. From Tihar jail Delhi to jails in Jammu Kashmir, thousands are being terrorized and tortured that too in the name of democracy.”
He said not many nations have given sacrifices for freedom of their land like Kashmiris and the only thing we need to do now is to remain steadfast and pursue our goal with fervour, focus and steadfastness.
He said that Suppressing people’s voices by killings and incarcerations is no democracy but worst kind of dictatorship because only oppressive authoritarian regimes keep people in jails and incarceration centers.
He said India and its “stooges” should know that suppression and oppression can never undermine a peoples struggle. Instead these kinds of tactics strengthen the resolve and passion of oppressed people.