LG Manoj Sinha’s Address to Jammu Kashmir UT Assembly


Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha made a detailed address to the newly constituted assembly of the Union Territory on November 4, 2024. Here is the transcript of the important speech that will go into history as a vital document:

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Hon’ble Speaker,

Hon’ble Members,

  1. It gives me great pleasure to welcome all the newly elected members of the Legislative Assembly to the inaugural session of the Assembly. We gather here after the successful and peaceful conduct of the first democratic elections in over a decade. These elections, the first since the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019 and the reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir into a Union Territory are a critical milestone in restoring democratic governance after a period of political uncertainty. This is a testament to the enduring spirit of democracy, the strength of our institutions, and the faith that the people of this region have in their democratic representation through this Assembly. It is a privilege to witness the restoration of this august house, which once again reflects the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
  2. One of the most encouraging aspects of the 2024 elections was the high voter turnout, reflecting the enduring faith of the people in democratic processes. The high turnout, particularly in regions that traditionally couldn’t participate fully because of a vociferous minority sympathetic to separatist sentiments, indicates that the people of Jammu and Kashmir continue to see electoral participation as a means to voice their concerns and aspirations. The successful completion of the electoral process marks an epoch in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.
  3. This gathering, and the swearing-in of elected government in Jammu and Kashmir, marks a moment of immense pride, as it has not only strengthened the democratic fabric of our Nation but has also become a beacon of hope to all, for a brighter and more inclusive future.
  4. For me personally, this is a moment of huge satisfaction. When I assumed the responsibility of leading the administration four years ago, my foremost priority was to hold Assembly elections so that there is an elected government. With the support of our political leaders, civil administration, security forces, and, most importantly, the people, we have successfully achieved this objective. This accomplishment is a matter of great satisfaction, as I look forward to work together with you all, for strengthening the democratic institutions, and providing the people the Governance and the future they deserve!

    Jammu Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha addressed the UT Legislative Assembly on November 4, 2024.
  5. Our people now look up to the Government with many hopes and expectations. My Government is fully geared up to realize these hopes and fulfil these expectations. The aspiration for a return to the statehood remains strong! Hon’ble Prime Minister, on several occasions, has already expressed his commitment to restoring statehood, which has been a source of rekindled hope and reassurance for the people. The Council of Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir has recently passed a unanimous resolution calling for the immediate restoration of statehood. This resolution reflects the collective will of the elected representatives, echoing the aspirations of the people for the reinstatement of full democratic governance. My Government will make all efforts for restoration of full Statehood and constitutional Guarantees available to the State. It would be a befitting reciprocation of the faith reposed by the people of Jammu and Kashmir in our democratic institutions. In the meantime, I urge all stakeholders to work together as one team and extend full support to my government in fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the people.
  6. My government is fully committed to implementing the promises made to the people for further political empowerment and for creating an enabling environment for employment, sustainable development, social inclusiveness and expansion of the economy to enhance the overall quality of life. It will work relentlessly on the three principles of Economy, Ecology and Equity that will shape our future. We commit ourselves to this balance for a better and brighter future for all.
  7. Jammu and Kashmir is growing at an annual growth rate of about 7%. My Government is committed to give push to this trajectory of growth and create more avenues of employment through policy interventions and infrastructure development. My Government will also work on various reforms to strengthen the fiscal position of J&K. Huge natural resources endowed in J&K will be sustainably developed without harming our ecosystem that will ensure protection of these resources. Further, every section as well as every region of J&K will be treated equally and developed for ensuring inclusiveness and equity for balanced development, which will be a solemn and sacred commitment of my Government. I believe that the new Legislators, the administration, and all other stakeholders will work together to handle the challenges before us for a better and prosperous society.
  8. My Government is committed to decision-making that will be markedwith transparency and accountability for ensuring efficient andeffective use of resources with justification. This policy will be appliedrigorously by my government to ensure integrity in public life. Anyinefficient use or misallocation of resources will be re-examined, andnecessary course correction will be undertaken to ensure that thebenefits of every penny are fully harnessed by the people of Jammuand Kashmir.
  9. My Government will invest in building capacities of the youth for theirgainful employment and will also foster their entrepreneurialcapacities. The expectations of the people for improved living facilities like roads, public transportation, electricity, drinking water, sanitation, schools, healthcare facilities, healthy and congenial environment, internet connectivity etc., which enable them to lead a happy life, will also be fulfilled.
  10. Connectivity is crucial for the economy. While improvements havebeen made in the road network, more efforts are required to connectthe remaining inaccessible areas. My Government will fully leveragefunds from centrally sponsored schemes like PMGSY &NABARDfundedprograms to realize the vision of connecting every habitationwith a road.
  11. Implementation of major ongoing connectivity projects will be fasttrackedby facilitating acquisition of land, forest clearances andremoval of encroachments. On-going Expressway, National Highwaysand Ring Road projects for Jammu and Srinagar cities will be speededup for their early completion. Work on the upgradation andconsolidation of the Jammu Akhnoor Rajouri – Poonch NationalHighway will be expedited for its early completion. New NationalHighways projects will be taken up with the Central Government toimprove connectivity to remote and backward pockets to accelerateeconomic growth.
  12. The connectivity of Rail to the valley, which will be a reality soon, will be a turning point for economic development and prosperity. Night landingfacilities at Jammu and Srinagar airports will further enhanceconnectivity and boost the tourism sector further. My government will take all necessary measures to ensure that the development dividend of these initiatives reaches the remotest pockets and uplifts their lives and livelihoods. My Government will pursue implementation ofprojects for rail connectivity to important unconnected areas includingPage 6 of 22the border districts of Rajouri and Poonch, with the Government ofIndia.
  13. My Government is committed to provide 200 units of free electricity todeserving households for which modalities are being worked out. J&K is endowed with an abundance of water resources that are yet to be harnessed fully. My Government is committed to harnessing their full potential so that their economic dividend enhances people’s lives and J&K’s financial position. My government will seek the support of theGovernment of India for a significant leap forward in our energysector. Completion of four Mega Hydro Electric Power projects, with a sanctioned capacity of 3014 MWs, will be expedited for doubling the hydropower generation capacity by 2026 to not only make J&K self-sufficient power but also to enable us to generate revenue from this vital green resource. Another four Mega Hydro Electric Power projectsof 1818 MWs will be followed rigorously to get the work on these power-generating projects started.
  14. The Rangarajan Committee Report, crafted under the guidance offormer RBI Governor Dr C. Rangarajan in 2011, recommended aroadmap for creating jobs and enhancing economic growth in Jammuand Kashmir. My government will pursue the implementation of the report with the Government of India to address structural issues in the economy, support skill-building initiatives, and stimulate inclusive growth. Effective collaboration with the Government of India would beessential to mobilize resources, funding, and requisite supportnecessary for realizing many of these reforms.
  15. My Government will solarize all Government buildings with a tentative cumulative capacity of 300 MW. Under the PM-Surya GharMuft BijliYojna, 84,000 households will be solarized initially. Small hydropower projects will also be given the required focus to harness their fullpotential.
  16. My Government is committed to providing Free, Clean and Safe Drinking Water to All. To achieve this, 3256 water supply schemes atan estimated cost of more than Rs. 13000 crores are under executionwhich will provide functional household tap connections to all the19.27 lakhs rural households. This will be completed by March 2025. For quality assurance of drinking water, NABL-accredited labs will beestablished at appropriate levels.
  17. Tourism sector is a major pillar of the economy of J&K, which canboost various services and industrial sectors like transport, hospitality,horticulture and small-scale industry thereby, generating incomes andjob opportunities for the local population.
  18. My government will ensure that all benefits are extended to theTourism Sector, as an “Industry”. This will ensure that this sector witnesses requisite growth in investment for improving tourism infrastructure and services. My Government will focus on enhancingthe quality of tourist experience, and devise appropriate interventionsto manage the tourist inflow. Concerted efforts will be made for accelerated development of new tourist destinations both in Kashmir as well as Jammu, so that the immense untapped potential of our beautiful landscape is harnessed for improving the experience of the tourists and lives and livelihoods of the locals. Work on Tawi BarrageProject, an artificial lake, is also in full swing and likely to becompleted soon, which will enhance tourism potential of Jammu City. The upcoming railway connectivity to Kashmir, expected to be fullyoperational soon, will indeed provide a significant boost to tourism inboth Kashmir and the Pir Panjal region.
  19. J&K Industrial Policy, 2021-30, has been notified for encouragingprivate investment and to boost the industrial sector. New CentralSector package of Rs 28,400 crores is also available for encouragingnew investments. My Government will ensure that requisiteinfrastructure for the development of industrial units is made available on priority, subsidized industrial land is transparently allotted and it actually translates in attracting new investment, creating employment opportunities for the locals, develop backward regions and expanding existing industrial units. The Council of Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir has recently passed a unanimous resolution for reviewing the J&K Industrial Policy, 2021-30, to achieve this objective.
  20. My Government will develop 46 new industrial estates with all themodern facilities to attract industries and enhance job opportunities. These new initiatives will spur employment avenues and enhanceeconomic growth. Further, focus will also be on development ofindustrial parks or clusters to provide shared facilities and resources,making it easier for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to thrive. Asuitable procurement policy to further support the MSMEs will also beintroduced. Reform process will be further strengthened for ease ofdoing business. My Government will promote Circular Economy byencouraging industries to adopt sustainable practices andtechnologies that minimize environmental impact and waste. Agro-based industries will be developed to utilize local resources sustainably.
  21. Handloom and Handicraft sector will be given impetus, includingthrough e-commerce platforms, to increase the production andexports. G.I tagging of Crafts will be promoted to provide themmarkets at world level. My Government will continue supporting localartisans by providing them with better access to markets and credit topromote traditional crafts besides facilitating marketing of localproducts through trade fairs, exhibitions, and online platforms. Srinagar was designated a UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and FolkArt in 2021. This recognition acknowledges Srinagar’s rich heritageand excellence in crafts, particularly its world-renowned Kashmirihandicrafts. As part of UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network, Srinagarjoined a select group of cities worldwide recognized for fosteringinnovation and creativity as strategic factors for sustainable urbandevelopment.
  22. My Government is committed to providing State of the Art Health carefacilities to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. Healthcare facilitiesand services in rural areas, focusing on maternal and child health, willbe further improved. Critical care blocks will be established in districtsfor strengthening of emergency services.
  23. The health care sector in Jammu and Kashmir is set to undergosignificant advancements as the government prioritizes the expansionof medical education and health services. This initiative aims to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare for the people of the region. My Government will focus on increasing MBBS, PG andNursing seats and will add new tertiary care services and advancedcourses for strengthening the health care facilities at tertiary level. It iscommitted to enhancing the healthcare landscape in Jammu andKashmir by focusing on two crucial aspects: attracting the bestmedical professionals to newly established institutions and addressingthe challenge of brain drain from the region. This approach aims tobuild a sustainable and high-quality healthcare system that meets theneeds of the population.
  24. My Government will focus on strengthening Primary Health care services for making available medical treatment and drugs at the root level. Preventive diagnosis/ screening will be carried forward for timely diagnosis of the non-communicable diseases and their treatment. Universal health coverage will be carried forward withbetter services for the benefit of common masses. My government willcreate a Chief Ministers Medical Trust for providing financialassistance to the needy for terminal diseases like cancer, heart andkidney transplants. Facilities for dialysis will be created at Sub-Divisional level to meet the rising need for it in recent times.
  25. The drug menace in J&K represents a complex challenge intertwined with socio-economic factors and historical context. Drug abuse in J&Khas risen over the past decade, particularly affecting the youth. While efforts have been made to combat this issue through law enforcement and rehabilitation initiatives, the problem continues to remain a challenge. The overarching goal is to not only reduce drug dependency in J&K but also to create a robust system that addresses the root causes of drug abuse and fosters a supportive environment for rehabilitation and reintegration. By integrating law enforcementwith community-based prevention and mental health services, mygovernment is committed to building a healthier, drug-free future for itscitizens by leading a “War Against Drug Abuse”.
  26. My Government is aiming to transform J&K into an educational hubfocusing on attracting investment and employment opportunities. Theestablishment of IIT Jammu and IIM Jammu marks a significantmilestone in the advancement of higher education in Jammu andKashmir. These premier institutions are set to play a transformative role in nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth in the region. Additionally, the upcoming operationalization ofthe Srinagar campus of IIM Jammu from its dedicated building willfurther enhance access to quality management education in theregion. Infrastructure of colleges and universities will be strengthenedbesides providing adequate manpower. Research facilities for facultyand students will be focused as part of National Education Policy2020. Innovation/ Incubation and Entrepreneurship will be encouragedinculcating start-up culture among the students.
  27. My Government recognizes the importance of digital learning tools,such as smart classrooms, to support a modern, student-centric educational environment. It will implement innovative initiatives of National Education Policy 2020 aimed to create a learner-centric,inclusive, and future-ready education system to ignite the young mindswith creative potential for their holistic development and self-realisation. This will equip the students with the necessarycompetencies to thrive in the rapidly changing global landscape.
  28. Basic infrastructure in the schools will be further strengthened andmanagement of the schools will be strengthened through clustermanagement. Evidence-based approaches to learning will beencouraged for enhancement of learning outcomes at all levels. Policies and programs specifically aimed at ensuring access to qualityeducation for girls, differently abled children, and other marginalizedcommunities will be devised.
  29. Vocational Labs will be established in all High/ Hr. Sec. Schools. AtalTinkering Labs/ ICT Labs/ Innovation Labs/ Smart Classroomsinitiatives will be further promoted for developing skills of the students. Student health will be given priority and regular health check-ups willbe carried out to address nutritional and health concerns.
  30. My Government will strive to create world-class sports infrastructure topromote sports activities and to tap the constructive and creativeenergy of the Youth in sports optimally. Holistic development of Youthwill be focused on to prevent youth from falling prey to anti-socialactivities and drug menace.
  31. My Government will provide opportunities, facilities and counselling to increase the women’s participation in games. Women athletes have secured medals and appreciation at National and International levels in the field of Football, martial arts, etc which will be promoted further. My Government will lay emphasis on organizing national and international sports events to showcase the talent of the youth of Jammu and Kashmir and highlight the region’s potential at national and international forums.
  32. Agriculture and Allied sectors constitute the backbone of Jammu andKashmir’s economy, engaging half of its workforce. J&K has 13 lakhfarmer families, with substantial percentage belonging to economicallyweaker and marginal sections.
  33. My Government is committed to promote farmer’s welfare andenhance their income through transformative initiatives that promote asustainable, organic, regenerative and holistic practice for profitableagricultural economy. Implementation of the Holistic AgricultureDevelopment Programme (HADP), featuring 29 comprehensive projects spanning agriculture, horticulture, and livestock, will be accelerated, modernization and innovation will be brought in, deep value chains will be developed, competitive advantages will be harnessed, and climate resilient and sustainable agriculture will be promoted. These initiatives will result in increased seed replacement rate, creation of adequate CA storage, doubling of silkworm seed production, cash crops diversification, saffron, medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation, self-reliance in vegetables, oilseed production, creation of FPOs, increase in honey, milk, mutton, poultry, mushroom, fodder and millet and nutri cereals production. Further, clusters will bedeveloped for milk, vegetables, meat, basmati, walnut, cherries andtrout, etc. Through this program, my government will create about 3lakhs jobs and 19,000 additional enterprises.
  34. Spurious seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are a menace threateningboth our agriculture and horticulture, as well as our ecology. Apartfrom upgrading and expanding the testing infrastructure, the availabletesting infrastructure will be fully utilized to ensure that qualityagrichemicals only are used as inputs, and strict legal action will be taken against the peddlers of these spurious inputs. My government will also promote modern farming techniques such as precision agriculture, drone technology, and data analytics to enhance crop management. Advanced irrigation systems, including drip and sprinkle irrigation, alongside micro-irrigation technologies will be promoted to optimize water usage. High-yielding and disease-resistant seed varieties coupled with organic farming practices will be promoted toimprove soil health and minimize chemical use. High-densityplantations will be supported, along with the development of coldstorage facilities and transportation networks to minimize post-harvestlosses.
  35. Additionally, my government will enhance access to affordableagricultural credit with a fully online end-to-end credit package. Comprehensive crop insurance schemes for both agricultural andhorticultural crops will be taken forward to safeguard farmers againstclimate-induced risks and other unforeseen challenges, providingthem financial security during adverse conditions. To further supportfarmers, the government is establishing a network of 2,000 KisanKhidmatGhars (KKGs) across Jammu and Kashmir, which will offer asingle-window system for all agricultural services at the communitylevel.
  36. My Government will establish one Primary Agricultural Credit Society(PACS) in each Panchayat so that it operates inclusively and supports the local economy. Artisans and weavers will be covered under credit cardscheme with an attractive interest subvention of 7% for a period of 5 years.
  37. Efforts will be made to further enhance the irrigation facilities forAgriculture and Horticulture. My Government will propose newprojects under PMKSY Har Khet Ko Paani. Substantial irrigation potential will be created. Work on Shahpur Kandi Dam Project is in fullswing, and J&K is expected to get 1,150 cusecs of water from theRavi River. This initiative will be followed rigorously so that farmers getbenefitted.
  38. Urbanization is a very powerful engine of economic growth and social progress. Comprehensive urban planning framework that incorporatessustainability, cultural heritage and environmental considerations willbe developed by my government to harness the full potential of thispowerful force. Urban local bodies will be further empowered to takedecisions that reflect community needs and priorities. My government will strive to develop and enhance basic urban infrastructure with a focus on strengthening governance at the grassroots closest to the citizens, making them instrumental in planning and delivering various services which the people in urban areas aspire for.
  39. Better service delivery and timely disposal of 40 online Urban Services will be ensured and these will be integrated with Single WindowPortal. All efforts will be made to further improve quality and number ofservices. Intelligent Traffic Management System will be strengthened. Sustainable and eco-friendly public transport systems, includingelectric and water transport will be promoted. Solid and Liquid Waste Management Systems will be strengthened to make UT environment-friendly and pollution-free. Affordable Housing will be made availableto the deserving sections of the society.
  40. Preservation and conservation of water bodies is a top priority. Conservation of Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake and Pollution abatement ofvarious rivers along with development of eco-friendly and sustainableTourist Villages, in the surrounds will be taken up on priority.
  41. My Government will ensure completion of all the rural housessanctioned under PMAY(G). Left out deserving families will also besupported with housing assistance. Government will ensure 100%Convergence for making available PMAY-G houses with all basicamenities besides conducting 100% social audit of all PMAY-Ghousing units.
  42. My Government will expand and streamline the social assistanceprograms for vulnerable groups, including the elderly, disabled, underprivileged, downtrodden, backward and vulnerable sections of thesociety and low-income families.
  43. Women empowerment is one of the priority areas of the governmentfor which various projects and schemes will be further strengthenedwhich will enable them to secure education, health and nutrition, skilldevelopment and employability to attain economic independence.
  44. For empowering marginalized communities, reservation benefits havebeen extended to Economically Weaker Sections, OBCS, Valmikis,Paharis, Paddaris, Kolis&Gadda Brahmins, etc. and Forest Right Act,2006 has also been made operational. The government will also takemajor initiatives for welfare of Schedule Tribes, in the areas of health,education, skill development, culture, literature, infrastructuredevelopment and livelihoods besides granting Forest Rights to thetribal communities. The Tribal Research Institute (TRI) building andTRI Hostel at Khimber, Srinagar will also be made functional for thewelfare of Scheduled Tribe population. More Transit accommodationswill be established for nomadic tribal population which includesaccommodation for 150-200 families, community kitchens, medicaldispensaries, veterinary dispensaries, community toilets and livestockyards.
  45. 302 villages will be developed under Pradhan Mantri Aadi AdarshGram Yojana (PMAAGY), in J&K where under Milk villages, MiniSheep/Goat farms, Dairy Units / Bee Keeping Units will be established for ST beneficiaries to improve their living standard.
  46. For preservation of natural resources and greenery, various Eco Parksand green patches will be developed in each urban local body. MyGovernment will make efforts to complete 2nd phase of Jambu Zoo atthe earliest by adding more closures. Infrastructure at wetlands like Gharana, Hokersar and Shallabugh will also be developed for promotion of eco-tourism. Government will focus on conservation andrejuvenation of Wular Lake to enhance the livelihood of the localpeople, through ecotourism.
  47. All the vacancies in the Government Sector will be identified and filled up on fast-track basis. My Government is committed to expedite the process of compassionate appointments as well.
  48. My Government is well aware that entrepreneurship landscape in J&K is diverse with 94% micro-enterprises which are facing challenges at various levels to be competitive. My Government aims to revitalize thissector for creating employment opportunities for the youth throughproper policy interventions and business support system up tograssroots level. Suitable interventions for developing a skilledworkforce equipped with 21st-century skills, ensuring equitabledistribution of economic benefits, especially for women, youth, andmarginalized communities will be put in place. Financial support through various self-employment schemes will be further strengthened for enabling youth to undertake self-employment ventures. Outreach and counselling activities will be conducted for aspiring job seekers through Model Career Centres (MCCs).
  49. My Government will make efforts to rehabilitate Kashmiri Migrantsback in to the valley with dignity for which safe and secureenvironment will be created. Work on transit accommodation projectsfor Kashmiri Migrants employees will be speeded up for providingthem suitable accommodation at designated places.
  50. Technology will be used for facilitating promotion of peculiarities of local culture, architecture, art, literature and languages through a robust digital platform. Historical monuments, sacred places andheritage sites will be revived, restored and preserved through a valuebasedapproach. My Government will augment support for development & promotion of traditional crafts & arts, with globalmarketing efforts for ensuring sustainability.
  51. For ensuring transparency and accountability, technology will be usedfully. More services will be added to already 1140 online services that are available. Grievance redressal mechanism will be furtherstrengthened to ensure accountability, transparency, and fairness inservice delivery.
  52. Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies will be strengthened by conducting elections at all levels for ensuring people’s participation in the decision-making.
  53. Jammu and Kashmir is at a pivotal moment in its history, standing onthe threshold of a transformative era filled with immense promise andopportunity. This transformation is not merely a governmentalendeavour, it is a collective journey that calls for unity and sharedpurpose across all communities, institutions, and sections of society. Today, as we embark on this journey, I call upon each one of you toplay an active and committed role in building a prosperous, inclusiveand forward- looking Jammu and Kashmir. This should be done withunity of purpose and commitment to uplifting the lives of the people ofJammu and Kashmir, without any occasion for partisanship of anyhue. Our goal is a Jammu and Kashmir where every individual has theopportunity to thrive, where prosperity is shared, and where everycitizen can reach their full potential. Together, let us work to create asociety where economic growth is inclusive, where social harmonyprevails, and where opportunities are abundant for all, regardless ofbackground. A prosperous and vibrant Jammu and Kashmir is withinour reach, and it is up to each one of us to contribute to this historictransformation.
  54. In unity and shared purpose, let us move forward with hope and determination, for building a brighter future for all of Jammu andKashmir.



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