Noted Gastroenterologist Prof Khuroo Delivers Extension Lecture at CUK



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Prof-Khuroo-delivering-lectureNoted gastroenterology, Prof M S Khuroo Tuesday asked the students to put in their untiring efforts while pursuing research in bio sciences. Prof Khuroo was delivering an extension lecture  to the students of the Biotechnology and Zoology of the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) at its Sonwar academic block.

“Hard work and selfless dedication is key to a successful research in the field of biosciences,” Prof Khuroo said.

Coordinators of different departments, Registrar and Dean of Life Sciences, Director  DSW and other faculty members were also present on the occasion.

Referring to his discovery of Hepatitis-E virus, Prof Khuroo said the students pursuing research in biosciences need not any high tech library. “All a student needs is an inquisitive mind to explore the things,” he said.

On the occasion Prof Khuroo screened a film “The Discovery of Hepatitis-E, The Untold Story.”

During his presentation on the topic, “Lab Errors-Whom to blame” Prof. Khuroo enumerated several measures to minimize the discrepancies in the test reports. He also spoke about ways and means to conduct different types of diagnostic tests and how they can be precise and accurate. Prof. Khuroo also spoke about pre-testing and post-testing measures that are required to ensure quality control in diagnostic management in healthcare sector of the valley.


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