SSRB flouts rules to accommodate blue eyed candidates: CCA


 KL Report

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The Coaching Centres Association (CCA) of Kashmir has accused the Service Selection Recruitment Board (SSRB) of ‘cleverly flouting’ rules to accommodate thousands of their blue eyed persons.

The Association demanded an inquiry into the entire episode wherein highly qualified candidates like Ph.D. holders were dropped to accommodate 10+2 candidates. “SSRB had asked the candidates not to fill application form for the posts advertised under Notice No. 05 dated 02/03/2013, as their previous forms would be considered for the same,” said G N Var, chairman CCA said in a statement, adding “And now when the results came, the board has disqualified thousands of students on account of not filling the form.”

The association alleged that this modus operandi was used to keep the highly qualified candidates out of the race of competition to accommodate some ‘blue eyed candidates’.

The association demanded that all the lists be merged together in accordance to merit. “There is a clear rule about advertising multiple posts under the same category,” said Var adding “They have not followed the rule in this single notification and incidentally it has the maximum number of posts.”

The association also condemned the board for hiding the merit list.  “We demand that SSRB publishes the entire merit list as soon as possible so that everybody knows about his or her position,” said Var. “And until then no interview be conducted as we fear they try to finish the entire process in haste.”


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