8 Attacks On Security Installations Killed 35 Soldiers In 3 Years


SRINAGAR: As many as 35 soldiers were killed and 40 injured in eight major attacks that militants mounted on army installations in Jammu and Kashmir in last three years.

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Defence Minister Dr Subhash Bhamre informed the Rajya Sabha on Monday that they killed 15 attackers in these attacks as one civilian was killed and six others injured.

These attacks, he said, are investigated in detail.

“Government had issued broad guidelines for Security of Defence Installations and in compliance with the said Guidelines, the Defence Forces have taken a number of actions including risk categorisation of military bases; appraisal and upgradation of intelligence gathering capabilities; strengthening and streamlining of the response mechanism; use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs); periodic security audit of all military installations,” the minister said in a detailed written response, placed on the floor of the house. “The Army also carries out in-depth analysis of the terrorist incidents and security breaches that are identified with various incidents.  Perimeter security projects of all three Armed Forced have been sanctioned by the Government.”

Year 2016 was the worst, if numbers are an indication. There were five attacks in which 26 soldiers were killed. Year 2017 witnessed only one attack and in the current year 2018, three attacks have already been carried out.


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