Jammu and Kashmir Media Policy 2020


In supersession of all the previous orders, the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir issued a “revised Media Policy” of the Information and Public Relations Department vide order General Administration Department OM. No. GDC-89/CM/2020 dated, May 12, 2020. The policy approval came under Administrative Council Decision No. 61/8/2020 on April 29, 2020.

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Lieutenant Governor G C Murmu chairing the meeting of administrative council on April 29, 2020. Pic: DIPR

Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir 
Department of Information

Media Policy


The Department of Information & Public Relations (DIPR) serves as the single window for information and communication for the government including all government departments, public sector enterprises and autonomous bodies. It highlights the policies/programmes, projects, welfare schemes and new initiatives taken by the Government in the media. The department regularly releases information about various activities of the government not only through its Press releases but also through its social media platforms including its twitter handle @dipr-JK, a Whatsapp group- DIPR updates and also Facebook and Youtube.

In recent years, media has seen an exponential growth both in terms of scale as well as diversity. The growth of digital, online and social media, the pressure of ‘Breaking News’, the 24X7 news rush are all trends which have made it imperative that the responses of the Government keep pace with the demands of the media. New trends in the media and ever-evolving media platforms also call for changed responses from the government for effective communication and outreach.

In the light of the above background, a fresh and pro-active media policy is required to carry the message of welfare, development and progress to the people in an effective manner. A continuous attention to the criticism and grievances of the people projected by the media and addressing them is another important endeavour of the Government to ensure people’s participation and giving them a sense of being a part of the development process.


Communication being a key component of governance; there is, a need for putting in place a comprehensive Media Policy in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir with a clear vision for the future with a focus on emerging communication environment. The media policy of the government shall focus on creating a sustained narrative on the functioning of the Government in media. It shall aim at timely dissemination of information about new initiatives/schemes of the Government and create awareness about welfare measures, social security programmes and SOPs for management of crisis/natural calamities/epidemics. The following are some of the objectives of the new policy:

  1. i. The broad objective of the Media Policy is to ensure a synchronized and effective use of all forms of media to build public trust, foster a genuinely positive image of the Government based on performance and strengthen relationship with key stakeholders.
  2. To create awareness among the people on government policies, plans and programmes intended for public welfare and socio-economic development on one hand and on the other, keep the government informed of people’s feedback.

iii. To increase public awareness and understanding about the Government’s role and responsibilities.

  1. To ensure that the communication with the citizens through media is consistent, well-informed, timely and appropriate.
  2. To put in place a Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for reaching out to the public in situations of crisis like health issues and natural disasters.
  3. vi. To ensure that the advertising budget of the government and its departments and agencies is utilized judiciously and effectively.

vii. To thwart mis-information, fake news and be alert to any attempts to use media to incite communal passions, preach violence, or to propagate any information prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India.

Guiding Principles

The proposed Media Policy will be based on the following guiding principles:

  1. Visibility: To maintain a   strong two-way communication relationship with stakeholders, it is important that the Government is visible in all forms of media as much as possible visibility lads simple and direct to ensure maximum reach and impact.
  2. Repetition: Wherever possible a repetitive schedule will be devised for placement of important information to ensure that it receives public consideration.

iii. Value: Ensuring that a message has a reasonable level of value for the recipient is paramount to gain public attention and interest. While Government operating procedures hold little value to the public but how those procedures affect the people daily lives of people are very important for them. Therefore, information will be structured with the public impact as its basis. People should know about the execution of development projects, welfare measures/schemes and new initiatives taken by the Government for their welfare and how their lives are going to get impacted by the same.

  1. Variety: To ensure that information is received by the public at large, it needs to be placed in. several communication modes simultaneously. The more the communication modes (website, newspapers, electronic media outlets, direct mail, social media, etc) the wider its coverage will be. This will be another guiding principle
  2. Feedback: It is important that feedback on issues concerning the public is encouraged and processed. People feel enthused and encouraged when their feedback is received and responded to.
  3. Response: To ensure that the Government Departments respond to the public issues raised in the media in a timely and appropriate manner.

vii. Consistency: To build credibility and a positive reputation, information must be true, fair and consistent. Credible information, which is simply communicated and from a user perspective holds great value for the public.

Media Policy- Key Policy Elements

The following are the key components of the Media Policy:

Increasing use of New modes of communication – Move the focus away from a total print-based focus to AV and online media

The dissemination of information by the Government currently involves Press Releases, Video Footage and Pictures of official functions Classified and Display advertisements. Audio Visual advertisements, Jingles and Spots Radio, TV and some use of social media.

Under the New media strategy, the department now proposes to increasingly look towards leveraging electronic and online media to widen the scope and import of information dissemination. This will enable greater citizen engagement given their enormous reach. The important modes of communication to be tapped while devising the strategy for electronic/online media include:-

  1. Radio – Radio continues to be a preferred and handy means of information especially the rural areas of Jammu & Kashmir and with the advent of FM radio, it has also grown in popularity among the youth as well. Under the new strategy, Radio – both terrestrial and FM channels will be used as one of the key media for dissemination of information by the Government.
  2. TV and local Cable networks – Television including Doordarshan and some local satellite news channels enjoy a large viewership in J&K. The reach of local cable networks is also large. These will also be used to play a more important role in the overall media mix.

iii. Social Media – Social Media has of late emerged as one of the major influencers of the public opinion. Its speed and ease of transmission has made it very popular. The DIPR will have a full-fledged Social Media Cell in its repertoire for dissemination of information and monitoring of misinformation. It will help it to harness the power of this media for a faster and more effective communication.

  1. Online News Portals – With the dwindling print media, Online Media has gained ground. Most print media have online editions. Many publications have totally shifted to online mode. In addition there are many online only portals. Most of the people now use their mobile phones to get access to news through these news portals instead of relying on newspapers or publications. These too shall be focused on by the department.
  2. Promotional events, functions, media tours, sponsored programmes/events, coffee table books, information booklets. There is a vast array of promotional tools which have infrequently been used by the department. These include, but are not limited to, participation in or organization of special events, conferences to highlight J&K, sponsored programmes in television including national channels, publication of coffee table books and other booklets, tours of media personnel etc. These too shall be arranged or organized in order to ensure that a proper communication mix is ensured in disseminating information and highlighting the activities and achievements of the government.

Altering Advertising policies to reflect the increased focus on new media

The current advertising policy has an inherent leaning towards traditional print media. As a consequence, the majority of the advertising support and effort continues to be focused on traditional media. In order to ensure that the new media/newer communication mechanisms get adequate advertising support, it shall be ensured that at least 40% of the advertisements would be earmarked for activities/media/strategies other than print- e.g. Audio-Visual, Online Media, Outdoor Media, designing and printing of communications, booklets, Coffee table books, conduct of events and functions, social and online media units etc.

Pr Secy Planning Rohit Kansal addressing a Press Conference along with Director Information Dr Sehrish and Director NHM Bhupinder Kumar

The DIPR shall ensure that the above directions are duly reflected in its internal policies/rules/guidelines and wherever existing guidelines are inconsistent with the above, the same be changed to reflect the directions of the new Media Policy. In case any new guidelines are required to be framed, the DIPR shall be free to do the same in order to facilitate the implementation of the above directions.

Media Tours and Field Visits to highlight the developmental activities on the ground

J&K has been through a transformative process. While the reorganization of the erstwhile state and attendant changes have led to a large number of people friendly laws now having become applicable and various deprived groups having become eligible for their rights, on the developmental front too, a number of positive changes have taken place. Projects languishing for many years have been taken up and completed. Unfortunately however, the media has tended to focus on the security aspects of the UT. One way of correcting this focus is to conduct tours /field visits for media persons, from both within and outside J&K, This exercise would help the government communicate with greater clarity and emphasis and also demonstrate on the ground the development works going on and their impact on socioeconomic profile of the UT.

The DIPR shall endeavour to conduct tours as above regularly for media personnel, features writers and editors not only from the national capital but also from state capitals and other important cities so that information is disseminated widely.

Online and Social Media to be special areas of attention

Recent years have seen a change in the media landscape. While print and social media have seen a reduction in importance, online media has been successfully gaining insignificance. This is evident from the fact that many erstwhile print media publications have moved online and some of them have even shut down their print editions. In addition, Social Media such as Twitter etc. have become effective media of information dissemination, interaction and instant feedback. It is, therefore, important that the official media machinery effectively and aggressively encourages social and online media. For this purpose an exclusive social media unit/cell shall be launched. Suitable professionals/agencies shall be used for this purpose. The manpower required shall be engaged either through hiring or outsourcing or contractual arrangements.

It shall be the endeavour of the department to ensure that the Social Media space is proactively occupied and that this means of communication is effectively utilized for furthering the overall objectives of the Policy outlined above. As far as possible effective and healthy interaction shall be initiated and maintained with the public on online and social platforms.

Use of special Means of Communication to promote the activities of the government and reach out to the people

  1. Press Conferences Holding Press Conferences is currently being undertaken by the department in order to disseminate the position of the government on various issues. This activity shall be increased both in size and scope. The department shall encourage elected representatives such as Mayors and senior PR] representatives and senior officers to hold focused press conferences in order to disseminate the position of their respective departments, answer questions to remove any doubts and follow it up through distribution of supporting material.
  2. Documentaries, Coffee Table Books, Events: DIPR will actively support the government as well as individual departments in various means of communication including making documentaries, publishing coffee table book and information booklets of Government achievements or in participation/sponsoring of high visibility events.

Use of Media as a feedback mechanism and to assess the feedback received for corrective action and grievance redressal

The DIPR will monitor the media regularly for any issues of public importance that need to be brought to the notice of the Government for urgent action to build the people’s confidence and trust in the system.

The grievances of the people against the Government appearing in the media shall be brought before the relevant departments of the Government. Likewise, the response to these grievances shall be sought from the concerned Departments and communicated to the media for suitable covers

The Government Departments would also be sensitized about responding appropriately to the critical new’s reports about their departments to remove misgivings in the public.

The Grievance Reports and the Departmental response thereof shall be compiled on a daily basis and a consolidated report communicated to the Administrative department after the end of the month.

The remedial measures taken by the Government in addressing the grievances of public highlighted by media shall be regularly communicated.

Putting in place suitable mechanisms to address issues of fake news, plagiarism, verification of antecedents of all concerned with the profession

J&K has significant law and order and security considerations. It has been fighting a proxy war supported and abetted from across the border. In such a situation, it is extremely important that the efforts of anti-social and anti-national elements to disturb the peace are thwarted. In order to ensure the above, it shall be made incumbent that before Empanelment of Newspapers/News Portals for release of advertisements by the Government, the antecedents of the paper/news portal as well that of its publishers/editors/key personnel are duly gone into. This shall be duly reflected in the empanelment guidelines. Similarly, while giving finalizing accreditations, a robust background check including verification of antecedents of each journalist would be earned out with the assistance of the relevant authorities. For this purpose, the guidelines for accreditation shall be revised and updated to reflect this requirement.

Authenticity  of  content/Fake News/Plagiarism/Communally    sensitive material:

DIPR shall examine the content of the print, electronic and other forms of media for fake news, plagiarism and unethical or anti-national activities. Any individual or group indulging in fake news, unethical or anti national activities or in plagiarism shall be de-empanelled besides being proceeded against under law. There shall be no release of advertisements to any media which incite or tend to incite violence, question sovereignty and integrity of India or violate the accepted norms of public decency and behaviour. Any fake news or any news inciting hatred or disturbing communal harmony shall be proceeded against under IPC/Cyber laws. A suitable mechanism with specific ToRs shall be set up by the DIPR for monitoring the above and ensuring adherence to the guidelines. With respect to all such matters as may involve fake news or news with anti-social, communal or anti national content, the implementing agency viz. DIPR will also device a suitable coordination and information sharing mechanism with the security agencies.

Internal arrangements and inter-departmental coordination to project a cohesive picture of the efforts of the government

The Department of Information & Public Relations shall oversee the implementation of the integrated Media Policy. It shall ensure that communication about and from government is well-integrated, coherent, coordinated and consistent.

However, no policy can be successfully implemented unless the line departments play an active role. Therefore, there is an active and key role envisaged for all departments in furthering the objectives of the new policy. Departments would ensure that their own communication channels including their social media channels such as twitter handles and facebook pages are active, updated and interactive. Departments would be expected to set up communication teams in their respective offices headed by a Nodal Officer who would not only handle and coordinate departmental communications and outreach but would also coordinate with the DIPR. These nodal officers will also be contacted by DIPR for seeking any information/clarification regarding their policies, on-going schemes, statement for media, press releases etc. These Nodal officers will be provided press cuttings/online feedback from other media by the DIPR if some issue is to be rebutted or any clarification is sought. They would be expected to respond in real time about all these issues.

All departments would also sensitize the Information department in advance about any Government policy or measures being contemplated by any Department. They would also keep the DIPR briefed about the policy stand of their respective department on key issues.

The administrative secretaries in the secretariat and heads of department in the field would be expected to actively participate in the communications effort. Besides designating nodal officers, they will also ensure that important information especially policy decisions are regularly communicated.

The DIPR will also formulate a roster for government officials at all levels to appear in various media including online and audio visual media to communicate with the public and respond to various issues.

Repositioning DIPR as a professional communication organization-Recruitment, Capacity Building, training and development

To ensure effective implementation of the proposed Media Policy, DIPR will be repositioned as a professional communication organization with professional human resource at various levels. The DIPR will set up a dedicated cell of professionals to implement the Media Policy. There shall be a special emphasis on increasing the Government’s presence on online/social media and counter negative propaganda with credible inputs. In order to achieve the same the following additional steps shall form part of the policy:

  1. The department would be strengthened both qualitatively and quantitatively to help them to overcome any deficiencies.
  2. Recruitment Rules of the Department would be relooked at so that enough professional staff is available for its effective functioning.

 iii.     In order to improve its functioning, the department shall engage young professionals either on contract or through an outsourcing process.

  1. Internal capacities of the department would be enhanced through training, refresher courses and exposure tours of existing staff
  2. The DIPR shall obtain external guidance and support through hiring of consultancies and professional agencies also

Growth and development of media in J&K- awards, capacity building, training

The quality of the media discourse depends on the calibre of the media personnel, technicians and journalists. In order to foster an ecosystem of healthy debate, citizen-centric discussions and constructive criticism, it is important to help build capacities in the private sector as well as encourage promising efforts and initiatives. To that end the following activities shall be part of the overall activities of the information department;

  1. a) Institution of Media Awards to be given each year to two outstanding media or communication professionals.
  2. b) The DIPR shall actively engage in promoting high standards in journalism by getting media professionals in J&K including private media personnel acquainted with the latest trends, technologies and trends in the media space. To this end it will sponsor seminars, visits and workshops. It will organize refresher courses, training classes, exhibitions independently and in association with organizations of working journalists, Universities and other professional organizations. It may tie up with reputed national institutes such as IIMC to initiate work on some of the activities outlined above.


The Media Policy shall be valid for 5 years. It may however be reviewed earlier if the need so arises. The Directorate of Information and Publicity (DIPR) shall be the nodal authority for operationalising the policy. It will ensure that wherever needed, suitable changes in existing guidelines are introduced to reflect the directions and mandate of the New Media Policy. It will also ensure that wherever new guidelines or policies are required to be framed to implement the mandate of the new Media Policy. There will be standing committee under the Chairpersonship of Director DIPR will be constituted to give effect to various directions of the policy or to fix guidelines including rates wherever the same have not been specifically fixed by the respective policies. The Committee will be empowered to take all such decisions as are required to give effect to the New Media Policy. This shall include, any decisions related to use of media mix, introduction of newer media and fixation of rates where the same has not already been done.

Annexure I

Print Media Policy guidelines


Government advertising is undertaken for a wide and diverse range of purposes, mainly in the form of recruitment advertisements, public notices, notices inviting tenders, statutory notifications, urgent public health or safety announcements, public awareness campaigns and others. The purpose of government advertising and communication is to disseminate to the Public at large, information about government programmes, policies or initiatives and any public health or safety concerns. It is also relevant to emphasise that Government advertisement is not intended to provide financial support to any media but to support and facilitate the growth and development of a healthy, professional and competitive environment. Promoting a transparent, constructive and healthy culture of unbiased information to all shall remain the overriding objective of the policy.

General Guidelines

The DIPR shall be the single nodal agency for release of all advertisements, communications and messages for all government departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous bodies of J&K to all Newspapers, Publications and Journals. Every Government advertisement shall necessarily be routed through the DIPR.   All government departments, bodies and organisations including Departments, PSUs, Autonomous Bodies including local bodies, universities and all bodies or organizations supported directly or indirectly through the government will be obliged to route all their advertisements through the DIPR.

While releasing such advertisements, DIPR shall not take into account the political affiliation or editorial policies of the newspaper, publication or journal. However, DIPR will not release advertisements to such newspapers, publications and journals, which incite or tend to incite communal passions, preach violence, violate broad nouns of public decency or carry out any acts or propagate any information prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India.

Further, since media planning for a campaign is done on the basis of publicity requirement and target audience for that campaign, the empanelment of a newspaper, publication or journal would not per se guarantee assured placement of any advertisement or message from the government.

Empanelment of newspapers/publications/journals

The DIPR shall prepare a panel of newspapers/journals/publications for release of advertisements. The primary objective of empanelment of newspapers, publications and journals is to obtain the widest possible coverage, across languages, regions and shades of opinion of the intended content or message for the target audience in an effective and economic manner.

The following criterion shall be use for examining the eligibility of a publication for the purposes of empanelment:

  1. a) Minimum Circulation: A Newspaper in English should have minimum paid circulation of not less than 2000 copies per publishing day for being considered eligible for empanelment. However Newspapers in Urdu, Hindi, Dogri, Kashmiri. Ladakhi or any other recognized language of Jammu and Kashmir should have a minimum paid circulation of 500 copies per publishing day for being considered eligible for empanelment. A biweekly/ weekly should have a minimum paid circulation of 2000 copies per week, fortnightly 2500 paid copies per fortnight and a monthly should have a minimum paid circulation of 3000 paid copies per month for being considered eligible for empanelment.
  2. b) Minimum Print Area:

A Newspaper/ Magazine shall have the following minimum print area per page/ Number of Pages to qualify for empanelment:-

Category     Newspapers/ Magazines        Minimum Print area per page    Minimum  Number of Pages

Dailies                                                                      400 Col Cms                                         8

Weeklies                                                                   200 Col Cms                                      16

Fortnightlies                                                             200 Col Cms                                       24

Monthlies                                                                  100 Col Cms                                      32


  1. c) Regularity

The Newspaper/ Publication/Journal must be published uninterruptedly and regularly for a period of not less than 36 months before being considered for empanelment. The applicant, to be considered as a regular publication, should have published the newspaper on at least 25 days in each month during the preceding 36 months. Weeklies should have published 138 issues during the preceding 36 months, fortnightlies 69 issues and monthlies 33 issues during the preceding 36 months. In case of the inability of any publisher to publish the newspaper due to unavoidable reasons such as a natural disaster, he/she may make an application before the Empanelment Committee which may decide on the application on merits.

  1. d) The following documents would need to be presented by a newspaper/publication/journal along with the application for empanelment:-
  2. A copy of the certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) in the name of the publisher
  3. The details of the paper including size, language, periodicity, publisher/owner’s name, place of publication, print area, number of pages, details of printing press,  list and number of paid employees, address of Office premises/ contact numbers/ e-mail of applicant and such other relevant details as the application form may prescribe

iii.   A cancelled cheque with company name printed on it with Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) details for National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) /EIectronic Clearing Service (ECS).

  1. PAN Card Number
  2. Certificate duly signed by the  Auditor/  Company   Secretary indicating balance sheet, revenue details, latest profit & loss accounts, tax payment including service tax for previous financial year.
  3. Circulation details   duly certified   by   RNI/ABC   /registered Chartered Accountant

vii.   Circulation details shall be considered valid as per the detail below:-

  1. Claimed Circulation up to 45,000 – recognized Chartered Accountant/ Statutory Auditor Certificate (in case of companies) in prescribed Performa/RNI /ABC Certificate.
  2. Claimed Circulation Above 45,000 -ABC/RNI certificate.

viii.  A  Demand  Draft in favour  of Accounts   Officer,   DIPR  as processing fee which would be non-refundable. The amount for which the DD has to be presented shall be communicated in the notification for empanelment by the DIPR.

  1. A letter attested by the Head of the newspaper/publication/journal mentioning the name, designation and signature of the authorized signatory for bills/TC
  2. PAN/GST/TAN number of the channel.
  3. Any other document or information that, in the opinion of the Empanelment Committee, is necessary for arriving at a decision regarding the empanelment of the said newspaper/publication/journal. This may include, but not be limited to any document(s) pertaining to verification/background check/antecedent check from any suitable agency of the applicant organisation/its key personnel.

Further, in order to satisfy itself that the newspaper/publication/journal being published is of reasonable standards, the EC would inter alia ensure that the publication adheres to basic standards of printing, original content including editorial content, statutory disclosures including title of the newspaper, place, date and day of publication, year of publication, RNI Registration Number, volume and issue number, print line as required under the Press and Registration of Books Act, number of pages and price.

No Litho newspapers would be considered for empanelment.

Any publication desirous of being empanelled would have to ensure compliance with provisions of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 and the registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956 and all or any Law, Rules, regulation as may be applicable in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

The application duly completed as above along with all details of applicants shall be placed before an Empanelment Committee (EC) for a final decision. The Empanelment Committee shall comprise of the following members:

  1. Director Information & PR Chairman
    2. Representative from the Administrative Department (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)   Member
    3. Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member Secretary
    4. Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary) Member
    5. Joint Director Information, Jammu Member
    6. Joint director Information, Kashmir Member

The EC can co-opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations. It shall meet at least twice a year.

A newspaper/publication/journal, once empanelled shall remain on the panel of DIPR for a period of two (02) years from the date of empanelment. However, publications which are empanelled at the time of coming into force of the new policy shall have to apply for fresh empanelment within one year of the date on which the new policy is published.

No change in periodicity of an already empanelled publication shall be permitted except by a fresh empanelment procedure.

Empanelled publications which accept the terms and condition of DIPR shall publish DIPR advertisements as per accepted terms and conditions. They shall also ensure that no advertisements of any Government Departments/Corporations/local self bodies are published without the authorization of DIPR. They shall also be obliged not to drop or refuse publication of any government advertisements. Failure to do so may result in their being de-empanelled by DIPR for a period of 6 months.

Empanelled publications shall be obliged to strictly adhere to the date of publication of DIPR advertisements as specified in the Release Order. While DIPR display advertisements should always be published on the main pages, the Directorate also reserves the right to insist on the display of advertisements on specified pages or slots depending on the importance of the same.

Empanelled publications shall submit latest circulation details duly certified by RNI/ABC /registered Chartered Accountant to DIPR. Any false information or misrepresentation of data shall result in appropriate penalties including but not limited to de-empanelment, imposition of penalty amounting to cost of advertisements issued for the period of previous 06 months or any other suitable penalty. The DIPR also reserves the right to suitably cross-verify or validate the figures submitted to it by the newspapers/publications/journals.


The DIPR shall create a suitable internal mechanism to monitor and ensure that the necessary guidelines including legal, statutory and contractual are being adhered to by the empanelled publications. Release of advertisements to any newspaper/journal/magazine may be suspended by the Director Information & PR with immediate effect if the publication has been/has misrepresented any information, violated any of the guidelines or failed to meet the desired standards. Such suspension shall be valid for a maximum of three months only unless confirmed by the Empanel men t Committee before the expiry of three months.

De-Empanelment – Violation of any of the conditions of the agreement, misrepresentation or falsification of data or any other illegal activity or failure to maintain desired standards shall invite de-empanelment. All decisions on empanelment and de-empanelment shall be taken by the EC as constituted above.

Any newspaper/publication/journal aggrieved by any decision of the EC can make a written representation to the Administrative department of Information where the same will be examined by a review committee with the following composition:

Administrative Secretary Information Department Chairman
Representative from Home Deptt. Not below the rank of Addl Secretary        Member
Director  Finance/CAO  Information Department       Member
Director Information & PR    Member

The review committee shall be free to co-opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations. The Committee shall also have powers to take suo motto cognizance of any issues relating to empanelment/de empanelment or related issues. The review committee shall meet at least once in six months.

Rate structure

The Advertisement Rates for publications including Daily/Weekly Newspapers/other periodicals/publications shall be as notified via government orders from time to time. The first notification shall be issued immediately after notification of the new policy.


The Empanellment Committee shall classify all publications into various categories based on an objective criteria of a mix of parameters including reach, circulation, design, editorial quality, relevance, size, printing and distribution infrastructure etc.

Internal Process

The requisition for advertisements from various departments /ministries/ organizations to the DIPR shall normally be submitted to the directorate at least 02 days prior to the date of release. There shall be no departure permitted in case of these timelines except in the case of emergencies such as law and order, epidemics or disasters etc. for which the Director his/her discretion shall be the sole authority to relax the timelines.

As soon as a requisition for release of advertisements is received from a Department, the DIPR will prepare a suitable media plan, keeping in view the contents of message, the target audience and available funds after consideration of requirements of the indenting department. DIPR shall carefully select the media to ensure that advertising is as effective as possible and reaches the intended target audience.

The guiding objective for preparation of media plan shall be effectiveness and economy viz. Government message reaches the maximum population including the remotest corners with due regard to economy of expenditure.

While the suggestions of the indenting department regarding the media plan shall be considered, the final decision regarding the media mix, frequency of message and other details shall be solely that of the DIPR.

In general advertisements shall be issued only to publications empanelled with DIPR. However, advertisements to newspapers and periodicals which have an all-India circulation but are printed and published outside J&K and listed in the approved list of Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Government of India can also be considered but only on the specific request of the indenting department. Such advertisements would be issued at DAVP rates.

While no stringent and binding directions can be given for deciding the media mix, the officers deciding the media/publication mix would need to adopt an objective procedure and take into account all relevant criterion including reach in the target area/section, quality of the publication including editorial and printing quality and all other relevant factors. The committee/DIPR may device any suitable procedure including a marking system to incentivize newspaper/publications which have better professional standing. The authorities must also satisfy themselves that the newspaper/magazine has not indulged in any unethical, anti-social or anti-national activity or publication. They may also take care to ensure that small and medium publications and publications in local languages too are not ignored or discriminated.

The DIPR shall ensure adherence to the prescribed minimum space norms for advertisements. It shall also ensure that except for a small proportion of IEC/communication messages, all other advertisements-e.g. tenders, recruitment notices etc. are in abstract form only with the full versions being hoisted on the respective departmental or governmental websites. For this purpose, DIPR shall be fully empowered to edit the advertisement submitted by the department in content, size or any other parameter.

Objective and credible sources would be relied on for determining circulation figures and hence reach of different publications.

DIPR shall take steps to ensure that payment for all advertisements is made only after sufficient verification that the advertisements have actually been carried out with appropriate placement on the stipulated day. For this, it may devise a suitable mechanism including any verification mechanisms that may be necessary.

It shall also ensure that the concerned publication sends at least one copy of the publication carrying the advertisements to DIPR for record.

In addition, it shall be obligatory on all empanelled publications to submit a specified number of copies (as directed by DIPR) on the day of publication to the DIPR office for record. This shall necessarily be done before 10 AM on the same day that it is published. Any publication failing to do so shall be de-empanelled.

General Guidelines

The policy enumerated above will serve as a detailed guide for the implementing authority viz. DIPR and its specific officers for the conduct of all its activities including finalisation of media plans, selection of publications, release of advertisements, fixations of rates etc. However, in view of the ever dynamic nature of the media and ever changing circumstances, it is possible that certain publications/media or certain aspects of existing media have been left unaddressed. It is also possible that newer publications, online versions of publications or online only publications or other newer mechanisms of communication and advertising emerge. Further, from time to time, there may be a need for special campaigns, department specific programmes or promotions et al. In all such matters as have been left unaddressed or inadequately addressed by the guidelines, there shall be a committee headed by the Director, DIPR and with the following composition

Director Information & PR    Chairman
Representative from the Administrative Department (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)  Member
Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)          Member
Joint Director Information (Jammu)         Member
Joint Director Information (Kashmir)      Member
Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member Secretary

The Committee can co-opt any official as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The committee shall be authorised and empowered to examine, and take a final decision on any matter not covered by the guidelines. It shall also be empowered to approve and fix rates where the same have not been spelt out in the guidelines. The decision of the Committee shall be final in all such matters.

Annexure II

Cable & Satellite (C&S) TV Channels Policy guidelines

DIPR shall be the nodal agency for release of all advertisements, communications, messages for all government departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous bodies of J&K for all TV/Cable broadcasting in J&K.

The primary objective of empanelment of Cable & Satellite (C&S) TV Channels and fixing their broadcast rates is to obtain the widest possible coverage of the intended content or message for the target audience in a cost effective manner. While releasing such advertisements, DIPR shall not take into account the political affiliation or editorial/programming policies of any TV channel/station. However, DIPR will not release advertisements to any such channel/cable/station, which incite or tend to incite communal passion, preach violence, offend the sovereignty and integrity of India or socially accepted norms of public decency and behaviour. Further, since media planning for a campaign is done on the basis of publicity requirement and target audience for that campaign, the empanelment of a Channel/Station would not per se guarantee assured placement of any advertisements or messages from the government.

Empanelment of Cable & Satellite (C&S) TV Channels with DIPR for Government advertisements shall be governed by the following principles:

Minimum Telecast Period: The minimum telecast period of 6 months of commercial broadcast with at least 17 hours telecast per day i.e. 6 AM to 11 PM shall be essential before a channel can be considered for empanelment with DIPR.

The following documents would need to be presented to the DIPR along with the application for empanelment Copy of the permission of the competent authority of the Government for undertaking the tasks of up-linking and down-linking operations by the channel/company.

A certificate from the Teleport Operator through which the channel uplinks its programmes regarding the average time of operation of the channel.

A certificate issued by the Designated Agency (DA) of the Government about the channel being on Air uninterruptedly. In the alternate case, Wireless planning & Coordination wing (WPC) Operational license or NOC, from the appropriate Government body/department (e.g. DoT) Department of Telecom for Network Operations& Control can also be considered for certifying/confirming the continuity of a channel on air.

Copy of the document confirming the programming scheduling i.e. Fixed Programme Chart (FPC) for the previous 6 months from 6AM to 11PM, during which the channel operated.

Copy of the confirmation certificates issued by the respective TV channels about period of telecast of exclusive J&K programme along with timing of such telecast.

Documentary, proof of Third Party Monitoring or give an undertaking that they would provide the Third Part Monitoring Reports (TPMR) along with physical bills.

A cancelled cheque with company name printed on it with Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) details for National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)/Electronic Clearing Service (ECS)

PAN Card Number of Community Licence Holder.

Certificate duly signed by the Auditor/ Company Secretary indicating balance sheet, revenue details, latest profit & loss accounts, tax payment including service tax for previous financial year.

A Demand Draft in favour of Accounts Officer, DIPR as processing fee which would be non-refundable. The amount for which the channel/station has to be presented shall be communicated in the notification for empanelment by the DIPR.

A letter attested by the Head of the Station mentioning name, designation and signature of the authorized signatory for bills/TC

PAN/GST/TAN number of the channel.

Any other document or information that, in the opinion of the Empanelment Committee, is necessary for arriving at a decision regarding the empanelment of the said station. This may include, but not be limited to any document(s) pertaining to verification/background check/antecedent check from any suitable agency of the applicant organisation/its key personnel.

The application duly completed as above along with all details of applicants shall be placed before an Empanelment Committee (EC) for a final decision. The Empanelment Committee shall comprise of the following members:

Director Information & PR    Chairman
Representative from the Administrative Department
(Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)    Member
Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member
Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)          Member
Representative each from Doordarshan DD Jammu and Kashmir not below the rank of Deputy Secretary Member
Deputy Director (AV) DIPR  Member Secretary

The EC can co opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations. It shall meet at least twice a year.

A channel/Station, once empanelled shall remain on the panel of DIPR for a period of three (03) years from the date of empanelment. However, any channels/stations which may be empanelled at the time of coming into force of the new policy shall have to apply for fresh empanelment within one year of the date on which the new policy is published.

Empanelled stations/channels which accept the terms and condition of DIPR shall broadcast DIPR advertisements as per accepted terms and conditions. They shall also ensure that no advertisements of any Government Departments/Corporations/local self bodies are aired without the authorization of DIPR. Empanelled channels who accept the terms & conditions of DIPR to disseminate information shall also be obliged not to drop or refuse airing or any government spots. Failure to air Government advertisement may result in being de-empanelled by DIPR for a period of 6 months.

Empanelled stations shall provide a copy of the latest copy of TVR data duly self attested by the head of office. Any falsification or misrepresentation of data shall result in appropriate penalties including but not limited to de-empanelment, imposition of penalty amounting to cost of advertisements issued for the period of previous 06 months or any other suitable penalty. The DIPR also reserves the right to cross verify, validate or check any claims/figures/information submitted to it by the stations/channels through any suitable means including EMMC.


The DIPR shall create a suitable internal mechanism to monitor and ensure that the necessary guidelines including legal, statutory and contractual are being adhered to by the empanelled publications. Release of advertisements to any newspaper/journal/magazine may be suspended by the Director Information & PR with immediate effect if the station/channel has misrepresented any information, violated any of the guidelines or failed to meet the desired standards. Such suspension shall be valid for a maximum of three months only unless confirmed by the Empanelment Committee before the expiry of three months.

De-Empanelment – Violation of any of the conditions of the agreement, misrepresentation or falsification of data or any other illegal activity or failure to maintain desired standards shall invite de-empanellment.   All decisions on empanelment and de-empanelment shall be taken by the EC as constituted above.

Any person or institution aggrieved by any decision of the EC can make a written representation to the Administrative department of Information where the same will be examined by a review committee with the following composition:

Administrative Secretary Information Department Chairman
Representative from Home Deptt. Not below the rank of Addl Secretary        Member
Director Finance/CAO Information Department         Member
Station Director Doordarshan Jammu/Srinagar Member
Director Information & PR    Member

The review committee shall be free to co-opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations. The Committee shall also have powers to take suo motto cognizance of any issues relating to empanelment/de empanelment or related issues.

The review committee shall meet at least once in six months.

Rate Structure

The Advertisement Rates for stations/channels- such as Cable & Satellite (C&S) TV Channels shall be as notified via government orders from time to time. The first notification shall be issued immediately after the notification of the new policy.

Internal Process

The requisition for advertisements from various departments /ministries /organizations to the DIPR shall normally be submitted to the directorate at least 05 days prior to the date of release. There shall be no departure permitted in case of these timelines except in the case of emergencies such as law and order, epidemics or disasters etc. for which the Director his/her discretion shall be the sole authority to relax the timelines.

As soon as a requisition for release of advertisements is received from a Department, the DIPR will prepare a suitable media plan, keeping in view the contents of message, the target audience and available funds after consideration of requirements of the client.

The guiding objective for preparation of media plan shall be effectiveness and economy viz. Government message reaches the maximum population including the remotest comers with due regard to economy of expenditure.

While the suggestions of the indenting department regarding the media plan shall be considered, the final decision regarding the media mix, frequency of message and other details shall be solely that of the DIPR.

The DIPR shall be fully competent to edit the message for purposes of clarity, economy and to decide on the frequency of transmission.

While no stringent and binding directions can be given for deciding the media mix, the officers are expected keep in mind general principles such as reach in the target area/section, time devoted by the channel in telecasting J&K specific programmes and credibility of figures regarding reach etc. being used for decision making. The officers deciding the media mix would need to adopt any objective procedure including a marking system incentivise media with better professional standing. The relevant authorities must also satisfy themselves that the channels/stations have not indulged in any unethical, anti social or anti national activity or transmission.

DIPR shall take steps to ensure that payment for all TV spots is made only after sufficient verification that the spots have actually been telecast in the stipulated time band and for the stipulated time duration as per the release order. For this, it may devise any suitable mechanism including Third Party Monitoring Reports (TPMR) along with physical bills, if necessary.

The policy enumerated above will serve as a detailed guide for the implementing authority viz. DIPR and its specific officers for the conduct of all its activities including finalisation of media plans, selection of channels, release of advertisements, fixations of rates etc. However, in view of the ever dynamic nature of the media and ever changing circumstances, it is possible that certain media or certain aspects of existing media have been left unaddressed. It is also possible that newer channels, newer mechanisms of communication and advertising emerge, Further, from time to time, there may be a need for special campaigns, department specific programmes or promotions et ai. In all such matters as have been left unaddressed or inadequately addressed by the guidelines, there shall be a committee headed by the Director, DIPR and with the following composition

Director Information & PR    Chairman
Representative    from    the    Administrative Department
(Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)    Member
Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member
Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)          Member
Joint Director Information, Jammu Member
Joint Director Information, Kashmir        Member
Representative each  from Doordarshan DD Jammu  and   Kashmir  not  below  the rank  of Deputy Secretary Member
Deputy Director (AV) DIPR  Member Secretary

The Committee can co-opt any official as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The committee shall be authorised and empowered to examine, and take a final decision on any matter not covered by the guidelines. It shall also be empowered to approve and fix rates where the same have not been spelt out in the guidelines. The decision of the Committee shall be final in all such matters.

Anntexure III

FIVI/Radio Stations and Community Radio Stations Policy guidelines

DIPR shall be the nodal agency for release of all advertisements, communications, messages for all government departments, Public Sector Undertakings. Autonomous bodies of J&K for Radio broadcasting in J&K.

The primary objective of empanelment of FM/Radio Stations and fixing their broadcast rates is to obtain the widest possible coverage of the intended content or message for the target audience in a cost effective manner. While releasing such advertisements, DIPR shall not take into account the political affiliation or editorial/programming policies of the Radio Stations. However, DIPR will not release advertisements to such radio stations, which incite or tend to incite communal passion, preach violence, offend the sovereignty and integrity of India or socially accepted norms of public decency and behaviour. Further, since media planning for a campaign is done on the basis of publicity requirement and target audience for that campaign, the empanelment of a Radio Station would not per se guarantee assured placement of any advertisements or messages from the government.

Empanelment of a Radio Station with DIPR for Government advertisements shall be governed by the following principles:

Minimum Broadcast Period – A minimum broadcast period of six months of commercial broadcast with at least 16 hours broadcast per day i.e. 7 AM to 11 PM shall be the criterion for a Private FM Radio Stations to be empanelled with DIPR. For Community Radio Stations the minimum broadcast period shall be 3 months with at least 2 hours broadcast/day between 7 AM to 11PM.

The following documents would need to be presented by a Private FM Radio Station to the DIPR along with the application for empanelment

  1. Copy of Grant of Permission Agreement (GOPA) signed with Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
  2. Copy of valid Wireless Operating License (WOL) issued by WPC wing  of  Ministry of Communication and IT

iii. The programme scheduling for the previous 06 months (3 months in case of Community Radio stations) from 7 AM to 1 ] PM, during which the FM Stations operated. A CD containing the programmes broadcast for the last one month preceding the date of application.

  1. A cancelled cheque with company name printed on it with Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) details for National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)/Electronic Clearing Service (ECS).
  2. PAN Card Number of Community Licence Holder.
  3. Certificate duly signed by the Auditor/ Company Secretary indicating balance sheet, revenue details, latest profit & loss accounts, tax payment including service tax for previous financial year.

vii.  Documentary proof of Broadcast Certificate (BC)

viii. A Demand Draft in favour of Accounts Officer, DIPR as processing fee which would be non-refundable. The amount for which the DD has to be presented shall be communicated in the notification for empanelment by the DIPR.

  1. A letter attested by the Head of the Radio Station mentioning name, designation and signature of the authorized signatory for bills/TC
  2. A signed List mentioning the name of Station, Frequency and State of operation to be provided by the Group/Holding Company/Media House to which the applicant FM Radio Station belongs.
  3. PAN/GST/TAN number of the channel.

xii. Any other document or information that, in the opinion of the Empanelment Committee, is necessary for arriving at a decision regarding the empanelment of the said station. This may include, but not be limited to any documents) pertaining to verification/background check/antecedent check from any suitable agency of the applicant organisation/its key personnel.

The application duly completed as above along with all details of applicants shall be placed before an Empanelment Committee (EC) for a final decision. The Empanelment Committee shall comprise of the following members:

Director Information & PR    Chairman
Representative   from   the   Administrative Department (Not    below    the    rank    of   Additional Secretary)   Member
Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member
Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not    below    the    rank    of   Additional Secretary)  Member
Representative     each      from     AIR Jammu/Srinagar  not  below   the  rank   of Deputy Secretary    Member
Deputy Director (AV) DIPR  Member Secretary

The EC can co-opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations. The EC shall meet at least twice a tear.

Any Radio Station, once empanelled shall remain on the panel of DIPR for a period of three (03) years from the date of empanelment. However, any channels/stations which may be empanelled at the time of coming into force of the new policy shall have to apply for fresh empanelment within one year of the date on which the new policy is published.

Empanelled Stations which accept the terms and condition of DIPR shall broadcast DIPR advertisements as per accepted terms and conditions. They shall also ensure that no advertisements of any Government Departments/Corporations/local self bodies are aired without the authorization of DIPR.

Empanelled stations shall provide a copy of the latest IRS data duly self attested by the head of office. Any falsification or misrepresentation of data shall result in appropriate penalties including but not limited to de-empanelment, imposition of penalty amounting to cost of advertisements issued for the period of previous 06 months or any other suitable penalty. The DIPR also reserves the right to cross verify, validate or check the figures submitted to it by the stations/channels through any suitable means.


The DIPR shall create a suitable internal mechanism to monitor and ensure that the necessary guidelines including legal, statutory and contractual are being adhered to by the empanelled publications. Release of advertisements to any newspaper/journal/magazine may be suspended by the Director Information & PR with immediate effect if the radio station/channel has misrepresented any information, violated any of the guidelines or failed to meet the desired standards. Such suspension shall be valid for a maximum of three months only unless confirmed by the Empanelment Committee before the expiry of three months.

De-Empanelment – Violation of any of the conditions of the agreement, misrepresentation or falsification of data or any other illegal activity or failure to maintain desired standards shall invite de-empanelment. All decisions on empanelment and de-empanelment shall be taken by the EC as constituted above. In case of a station empanelled with DIPR going off air for a period of more than 5 days, de-empanelment shall be ordered.

There shall be a review committee with the following composition. Any person or institution aggrieved by any decision of the EC can make a written representation to the Review Committee which can then examine the same and dispose it off on merits.

Administrative Secretary  Information Department    Chairman
Representative from Home Deptt. Not below the rank of Addl Secretary        Member
Director  Finance/CAO  Information Department       Member
Station Director AIR Jammu/Srinagar      Member
Director Information & PR    Member

The review committee shall be free to co-opt any other person either as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The Committee shall also have powers to take suo motto cognizance of any issues relating to empanelment/de empanelment or related issues.

The review committee shall meet at least once in six months.

Rate structure

The Advertisement Rates for stations/channels- FM/Radio Stations and Community Radio Stations shall be as notified via government orders from time to time. The first notification shall be issued immediately after the notification of the new policy.

Internal Process

The  requisition  for  advertisements  from  various departments/ ministries/ organizations to the DIPR shall normally be submitted to the directorate at least 04 days prior to the date of release. There shall be no departure permitted in case of these timelines except in the case of emergencies such as law and order, epidemics or disasters etc. for which the Director his/her discretion shall be the sole authority to relax the timelines.

As soon as a requisition for release of advertisements is received from a Department, the DIPR will prepare a suitable media plan, keeping in view the contents of message, the target audience and available funds after consideration of requirements of the client.

The guiding objective for preparation of media plan shall be effectiveness and economy viz. Government message reaches the maximum population including the remotest corners with due regard to economy of expenditure.

While the suggestions of the indenting department regarding the media plan shall be considered, the final decision regarding the media mix, frequency of message and other details shall be solely that of the DIPR.

The DIPR shall be fully competent to edit the message for purposes of clarity, economy and to decide on the frequency of transmission.

While no stringent and binding directions can be given for deciding the media mix, the officers concerned will keep in mind broad principles such as reach in the target area/section, quality of transmission and credibility of data sources used to determine the reach of different channels. The officers deciding the media mix may adopt any suitable and objective procedure including marking to incentivize media with better professional standing.

DIPR shall take steps to ensure that payment for all spots is made only after sufficient verification that the spots have actually been broadcast in the stipulated time band and for the stipulated time duration as per the release order. For this, it may devise a suitable mechanism including any verification mechanisms that may be necessary.

The policy enumerated above will serve as a detailed guide for the implementing authority viz. DIPR and its specific officers for the conduct of all its activities including finalisation of media plans, selection of channels, release of advertisements, fixations of rates etc. However, in view of the ever dynamic nature of the media and ever changing circumstances, it is possible that certain stations/media or certain aspects of existing media have been left unaddressed.

It is also possible that newer channels, newer mechanisms o{ communication and advertising emerge. Further, from time to time, there may be a need for special campaigns, department specific programmes or promotions et al. In all such matters as have been left unaddressed or inadequately addressed by the guidelines, there shall be a committee headed by the Director, DIPR and with the following composition

Director Information & PR    Chairman
Representative     from     the     Administrative Department
(Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)    Member
Joint Director Information (Hqr.)    Member
Director Finance/Finance Advisor/ CAO (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)          Member
Representative       each       from       AIR Jammu/Srinagar not below the rank of Deputy Secretary    Member
Deputy Director (AV) DIPR  Member Secretary

The Committee can co-opt any official as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The committee shall be authorised and empowered to examine, and take a final decision on any matter not covered by the guidelines. It shall also be empowered to approve and fix rates where the same have not been spelt out in the guidelines. The decision of the Committee shall be final in all such matters.

Annexure IV

Policy for Designing & Printing Policy guidelines


The Directorate of Information and Public Relations is the nodal communications agency for the government. In pursuance of these functions, it is assigned the task of designing and/or printing a variety of communications including departmental advertisements, advertisements, publications, messages, pamphlets, films, jingles journals, fliers, magazines, books, brochures, albums, coffee table books, display ads and other materials. For accomplishing these tasks, the department needs the services of professional agencies, designers, creative personnel, printers, filmmakers and a large number of other related staff. Since most of these are not available in-house, these services need to be outsourced or procured from the open market, often at extremely short notice.

There is thus a need for finalising a transparent and fixed set of policy guidelines to enable the successful accomplishment of all these tasks.

Overall Policy Guidelines

The overall guidelines will be determined by the GFR 2017 rules and powers delegated under S.O. 58 dated 31.12.2019 for printing & binding through local private agencies/government agencies. GEM guidelines would also be duly accounted for. All activities to be funded would be subject to availability of budgetary provisions so that no liabilities are created.

Design of advertisements, printing of booklets etc.

For the purpose of designing of various advertisements, Designing and Printing of various departmental and other publications, booklets, coffee table books, etc.  the department will follow a procedure of empanelment based on fixed criterion including inter alia technical and creative merit and past experience. Applications on a prescribed format will be invited by the department. The department will fix the basic eligibility conditions for individuals/agencies to apply for the empanelment process. These will include, besides basic parameters like business solvency and experience, additional criterion like qualified personnel, creative team(s). quality of infrastructure, past experience etc.

Empanelment Committee

There   shall   be   an  Empanelment  cum   Contract   Committee  with the following composition

Director Directorate of Information & PR         Chairman
Representative  from  Administrative  Department (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)  Member
Joint   Director   Information   (Hqrs),   Director  of Information & PR Member
Deputy Director Information (PR), Directorate of Information & PR Member
Deputy Director Information (AV), Directorate of Information & PR Member
Senior most Finance officer in the DIPR  Member
Deputy     Director     (Central)     Directorate     of Information & PR   Member-Secretary

In addition to the above members, the Chairman of the EC may co-opt any official member in the Empanelment committee if the services of such officer are required.

The Committee shall draw up a list of empanelled designers, printers and agencies whose services can be utilized by the DIPR for Designing of Advertisements/Designing and Printing of Booklets, Coffee Table Books Magazines, Albums, Books, etc. The empanelment list shall be valid for 2 years.

Procedure for allocating works

  1. a) Design work

All creative tasks such as design of advertisements, brochures, booklets and other creative material will be got executed through one or more of the empanelled designers/agencies. The DIPR shall be free to use the services of any of the empanelled agencies to execute the task. It shall, as far as possible, endeavour to equitably use all the empanelled agencies. The rates offered to the empanelled agencies will be governed by the rate card approved by the Directorate of Advertising.& Visual Publicity, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting issued vide No. Dir(RR) Rate Fixation creative Agencies/DA VP/2009 dated 08.07.2010.for the designing of advertisements.

  1. b) Designing and Printing of Booklets, Coffee Table Books Magazines, Albums, Books, etc.

For all works up to a financial limit of Rs. 2,50,000 (Two Lakh and Fifty Thousand only), the department will assign the task of Designing and Printing of various departmental publications, booklets, coffee table books, etc. to the empanelled agencies through a process of limited competition by inviting quotations from the empanelled agencies. The empanelled agencies will be informed about the requirement through e-mail/fax etc. in written form and they will submit their quotations same day to the DIPR and after examining the quotations the Empanelment cum Contract Committee constituted above will take a final decision regarding the allotment of work order.

  1. c) Designing and Printing of Booklets, Coffee Table Books Magazines, Albums, Books, etc. – other works

Where the value of the work for printing and/or designing of booklets, coffee table books, etc. exceeds Rs 2.5 lakhs, the department will follow an open competitive procedure- calling tenders from the open market where all firms irrespective of empanelment would be free to participate. Thus any firm or applicant irrespective of whether they had participated in the empanelment process or have not been empanelled/not empanelled would be allowed to participate. In other words, this process would be absolutely independent of the emapanelment process. The technical and financial conditions of the tender document would be fixed by the Directorate of Information & PR according to the quantum of assignment, and be advertised in keeping with the General Financial Rules 2017 and all other regulatory conditions applicable to the UT of Jammu & Kashmir as amended from time to time.

The allotment of work would be done by the Empanelment cum Contract Committee constituted above whose decision shall be final in the matter.


The DIPR reserves the right to revoke the empanelment status of any firm, agency or individual for any one or more of the following reasons

  1. i) non-performance, unsatisfactory or poor performance or violation of any of the terms and conditions of empanelment. ii) If it is found that the empanelled entity has/had engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for this empanelment, or in executing the work assigned   or has/is misrepresented/misrepresenting any facts.

iii)  Any other reason which as per the considered opinion of the Director DIPR constitutes reasonable ground for dis-empanellment.


The DIPR shall be obliged to release within one month of submission of bills, payments of all authorized tasks executed satisfactorily.

Payments shall be made only through DBT into authorised and pre nominated accounts.

The approved rates shall be exclusive of GST but inclusive of all other taxes, surcharges and payments etc.

General Guidelines

The policy enumerated above will serve as a detailed guide for the implementing authority viz. DIPR and its specific officers. However, it is possible that there are areas as have been left unaddressed or that newer mechanisms of communication, design or advertising require attention. Further, from time to time, there may be a need for special campaigns, department specific programmes or promotions et al. In all such matters as have been left unaddressed or inadequately addressed by the guidelines, the Empanelment cum contract Committee referred to above and headed by the Director, DJPR shall act as the standing state level purchase/contract committee and be authorised and empowered to examine, and take a final decision on any matter not covered by the guidelines The Committee would also be free to co-opt any official as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The committee shall also be empowered to approve and fix rates where the same have not been spelt out in the guidelines. The decision of the Committee shall be final in all such matters.

Annexure V

Outdoor, Online only and other Special or New Media Policy guidelines

DIPR shall be the nodal agency for release of all advertisements, communications, messages for all government departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous bodies of J&K for all media including all existing media as well as any newer channels if communications that may become available in the future.

There are various forms of advertising that are now available. These include outdoor, online only, specialized print (e.g. Special publications or other forms such as boarding passes of airlines) and many other media. Outdoor media includes various forms of advertising such as awareness/ communication using airports, railway stations, bus stands, flyovers, metros, cinemas, malls, hoardings within Municipal limits, or hoardings on National Highways or even in specified rural areas or general areas of heavy footfalls. Further, from time to time, there may be a need for special campaigns, department specific programmes or promotions etal.

Many of the communication channels mentioned above are diverse and some such as online only media are rapidly evolving. Some of them e.g. hoardings are also governed/controlled by government or related bodies e.g. Municipal bodies, NHAI, Autonomous Boards, Village Panchayats etc who have devised their own policies or revenue models vis-s-vis advertising on these media. Some of these have even outsourced their advertising functions or appointed subcontractors for the same.

Notwithstanding the diversity of channels, multiplicity of revenue collection mechanisms and ever evolving nature, no communications agency public or private can afford to exclude these channels out of its communications mix. At the same time, it may be difficult to rigidly pre fix a set of guidelines, mechanisms or rates in dealing with these media.

There shall be a standing Empanelment cum contract Committee in the Directorate of Information and Public Relations with the following composition

Director Directorate of Information & PR         Chairman
Representative  from  Administrative Department (Not below the rank of Additional Secretary)  Member
Joint   Director  Information   (Hqrs),   Director  of Information & PR  Member
Deputy Director Information (PR), Directorate of Information & PR     Member
Deputy Director Information (AV), Directorate of Information & PR    Member
Senior most Finance officer in the DIPR  Member
Deputy     Director     (Central)     Directorate     of Information & PR   Member-Secretary

The Committee can co-opt any official as a member or a special invitee to assist it in its deliberations.

The Committee shall be competent to take a final decision on use of outdoor media, online media, online only media, news portals or any such media or any such matter as has been left unaddressed in any sectoral policy or guideline. It shall also be empowered to decide the manner and frequency of use of such media and fixation of rates for the same. It shall also be competent to decide on special events, promotional campaigns, special campaigns or drives in local or national media, sponsored programmes in print, radio, TV or online and also fix the rates for the same. While it may refer to any other policy regime such as DAVP for guidance and advice, it alone will take the final decision and the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.

Internal Process

The requisition for use of special media not covered by any sectoral policy or guideline or any special campaign shall normally be submitted to the directorate at least 15 days prior to the desired campaign dates/date of release. There shall be no departure permitted in case of these timelines except in the case of extraordinary situation/emergencies such as law and order, epidemics or disasters etc. for which the Director his/her discretion shall be the sole authority to relax the timelines.

The DIPR shall be the sole authority to accept or reject the request/suggestion of the indenting department regarding the use of any special media. The DIPR also reserves the right to alter the media mix, change the frequency of message, edit or alter the communication for purposes of clarity, economy or any other reason or to make any other changes that it considers appropriate.

The DIPR may decide to use special media either in conjunction with traditional media- i.e. as a part of the overall media mix or as a standalone communication strategy. The guiding objective for preparation of media plan shall be effectiveness and economy viz. Government message reaches the maximum population including the remotest comers with due regard to economy of expenditure.

While the indenting department is free to put forth its requirements and suggestions regarding the media plan or the proposed media mix, the final decision regarding and other details shall be solely that of the DIPR.

Annexure VI

(Contains orders already issued by Jammu and Kashmir government about tariffs and rates in past)



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